Tonight I wear big woolen socks in front of the computer, drink tea and wonder about the autumn. I’m making…
Tag: Slovenia
Cool people wearing 3 Ptice: Eva, Maša, Dominika, Sanja & Lara
I don’t know. Maybe just every artist/crafter/designer thinks, that their customers are the best ones. I’m no exception here. I…
Nesramna samopromocija: Naj sosedova krava živi je razstavljena v galeriji!
Ja, res je! Ko mi je v glavi kliknilo, da pa morda lahko svoje delo dojemam kot umetnost, je prišlo…
As short as it could be: review of my 2014
Hello, my dear people! I must admit, that I became somehow shy about writing a blog, since I don’t write…
Magic words and dr.Nature
Took this pic in the morning. I just love misty autumn mornings. Woke up early just to have more hours…
2. Dvoriščna razprodaja na Ptuju | | 2nd secondhand sale in our town
These are pictures from the second secondhand sale in my co-organisation. In the house of Fürst in our little town…
How was I today and how was my January
So, finally I feel like writing again. I don’t know why I postpone it so much in these last few…
Cool People Wearing 3 Ptice: Maja B. with handpainted tree tote
This gorgeous girl with dreadlocks is Maja. She is wearing 3 Ptice tree tote bag (handpainted by me). I took…
Dan podjetnic v Mariboru: Po kakšnem srečnem naključju sem bila danes tam in spoznala kup čudovitih žensk z “jajci”
Pozdravljene prijateljice in prijatelji! Sedim za računalnikom. Pokrita s koco (pozno sem zakurila in se še hiša ni ogrela)…
“If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been.” -Robert H. Schuller
001. I was taking pictures with self-timer… and got caught. Felt kinda ashamed. I don’t know why I still feel…