How was I today and how was my January

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So, finally I feel like writing again. I don’t know why I postpone it so much in these last few weeks. I wrote down on my to do list ‘Write a new post’ almost everyday! But then I got stucked in all other things I had to do or I was sick or kinda depressed. I kinda suffer from this lack of energy lately, but I’m sure I’ll be back on track very soon. After a long long sleep today (about 11 hours, shit), I figured out my first chakra needs some cleaning. So I’m listening to african drum sessions whole day, I’m having an aromatherapy with etheric oil of cedra in living room, I cleaned our house and I went for a fast walk with my dog.

And I feel way more energized now and I’m also feeling more clarity again about myself and my life.
So, I want to share with you some highlights of my January. I know I’m a bit late with this, but I decided to make this kind of post every month so I can’t just skip January now 😉

No, končno sem spet v vzdušju za pisanje. Ne vem, zakaj sem tako odlašala s tem zadnjih par tednov. Skoraj vsak dan sem si v planer zapisala ‘Napiši objavo’. Ampak potem sem se ujela v vse ostale stvari, ki sem jih imela za naredit, se počutila bolno ali pa depresivno. Zadnje čase se malo borim s pomanjkanjem energije, ampak sem prepričana, da bom kmalu spet prekipevala. Po zelooo dolgem spancu danes (11 ur, shit), sem ugotovila, da rabi moja prva čakra malo čiščenja. Tako da že cel dan poslušam afriške bobne, imam aromaterapijo z eteričnim oljem cedre, počistila sem hišo in šla na hiter sprehod z mojim psom.

Zdaj se počutim dosti bolj polna energije in prav tako imam glavo bolj jasno glede sebe in svojega življenja.
No, v tej objavi želim deliti z vami nekaj izsekov iz januarja. Vem, da sem malo pozna, ampak letos nameravam vsak mesec narediti takšno objavo in zato ne morem kar zdaj preskočiti januarja.


I finally made place for my hats on my wall. I bought self adhesive hangers in a ‘dollar store’ kind of shop and they are working great. If you want to know where to get such jewelry organizer… This is curtain stick. Great idea for displaying your necklaces for cheap. You can see I also have earrings here. I used my old belt as an organizing tool for them. Have a closer look:

Končno sem si na steni naredila prostor za pokrivala. Kupila sem samolepilne obešalnike v Tediju in super funkcionirajo. Če se vam je pogled morda ustavil na mojem obešalniku za nakit… Tole je palica za zavese s hakelci. Super ideja, da si ugodno organizirate nakit. Na njem lahko prav tako vidite uhane. Te sem si razvrstila po starem pasu z luknjicami. Bližnji pogled:


I wear them way more often now. (Sorry for the crappy picks, but my camera doesn’t like red color). Also, I wear them more often now thanks to a really cool trick. I am allergic to something in cheap earrings (nickel, I guess), my ears hurts when wearing them and they go all red… If you have this problem too – the solution is clear nail polish. One or two coats of it on earring findings and you can enjoy wearing  your earrings through whole day!

Zdaj jih nosim veliko pogosteje. (Se opravičujem za bedne fotke – moj fotoaparat ne mara preveč rdeče). Pogosteje jih pa nosim tudi zaradi super trika. Alergična sem na nekaj v cenenih uhanih (predvidevam, da na nikelj). Ušesa mi postanejo rdeča in boleča… Če imate tudi same ta problem – rešitev je prozoren lak za nohte. En ali dva premaza čez tisti del, ki gre skozi uho, počakate da se posuši, in že lahko cel dan nosite svoje najljubše uhane brez bolečin. 


In January I also started cleaning our house and my room more regulary (thanks to Mom Minimalist Fashion and this link I found on her blog). My room was a total mess my whole life. I had too much things in it and I sweeped the dust just a few times per year, because it was too time consuming. Now is my table organized all the time! I don’t get depressed anymore when I walk into my room. Plus I had bunch of stuff on my floors, those pretty shoes amongst them. Now they have a spotlight on my window. I bought them about year and half ago. I wore them out once, hah! I feel kinda uncomfortable in them in public. But I love wearing them when I’m home alone for a practice 😉 I feel like those men who wear female clothes when no one sees them 😀

Januarja sem pravtako začela bolj redno čistit hišo in svojo sobo (zahvaljujoč Mom Minimalist Fashion in temu linku, ki sem ga našla na njenem blogu). Moja soba je bila celo moje življenje čista zmešnjava. V njej sem imela preveč stvari. Prah sem brisala samo parkrat letno, ker mi je to vzelo preveč časa. Zdaj pa imam mizo skozi organizirano! Ne postanem več depresivna, ko vstopim v sobo. Kup stvari sem imela tudi nadevanih po tleh, te luštne čevlje med njimi. Zdaj pa so razstavljeni na moji okenski polici. Kupila sem jih pred kakšnim letom in pol, ter jih imela samo enkrat obute v javnost. Jih pa večkrat obujem, ko sem sama doma, tako za vajo 😉 Zraven se počutim kot tisti moški, ki nosijo ženska oblačila, ko jih nihče ne vidi 😀 


I received late Christmas gift from my boyfriend’s mum. She said I can pick something for 20€. You know, I have nothing against choosing what I want as a gift, this way I know I’ll get what I need or want and then I don’t have to spend my own money on it. So I picked Alverde goodies for my hair (never had this much products for my hair before)…

Dobila sem tudi pozno božično darilo od fantove mame. Rekla je, da si lahko zberem nekaj v vrednosti 20€. Sem ena izmed tistih, ki nima nič proti, če si lahko sama izbere darilo. Tako dobim tisto, kar rabim in želim, pa še svojega denarja ne rabim zapravljat. Tako sem si zbrala Alverde izdelke za lase (še nikoli prej nisem imela toliko izdelkov za lase)…


…and these nail polishes. Well, actually my boyfriend said I should get green nail polish and I totally love this shade he found. The total sum was about 22€.

…in te lake za nohte. Pravzaprav mi je fant rekel, da bi si lahko izbrala zelen lak. In meni je noro všeč odtenek, ki ga je našel. Skupna vsota je potem bila okrog 22€.


With mate polish. In the background you can see one collage I made few years ago. It’s made of recycled cardboard, old window seals, fabric scraps, white acrylic paint and black marker. I think I should make more of this recycled art pieces soon…

Prelakiran še z mat nadlakom. V ozadju lahko vidite kolaž, ki sem ga naredila pred par leti. Iz kartona, starih tesnil za okna, ostankov blaga, belega akrila in črnega flomastra. Mislim, da bi lahko naredila še kaj takšnih umetnin iz  pretežno recikliranih materialov.


Cool gifts I got from my childhood bestfriend Saša (Sasha). She is amazing, what can I say! She somehow knows what I like! This Moschino I love love parfume is my all time favorite. I started using it like 10 years ago, but I couldn’t afford it anymore for like 5 years now. And then she gives to me more than a half of 100ml bottle (she bought it for herself but got sick of it). I really have great people in my life!

Super darila, ki sem jih dobila od moje najboljše prijateljice iz otroštva. Neverjetna je, kaj naj rečem. Nekako ve, kaj mi bo všeč! Tale Moschinotov I love love mi je najljubši parfum. Uporabljati sem ga začela pred kakšnimi 10-imi leti, zdaj pa si ga verjetno kakšnih 5 let več nisem mogla privoščiti. In potem mi ga ona da še več kot polovico v 100ml steklenički (kupila ga je zase, a se ga je naveličala). Res imam super ljudi v življenju!


I moved this beautiful illustration from my room to computer desk, because I can look at it way more often here. I chose it and Jure bought it for me last year when we were on Pag Island in Croatia. (You can find the artist on facebook). And there is also a houseleek I received from friend who is also a blogger.

Čudovita ilustracija, ki sem si jo izbrala, ko sva bila lani z Juretom na Pagu, se je iz moje sobe preselila na računalniško mizo, ker jo lahko tukaj bolj pogosto gledam (slikarko lahko najdete na facebooku). Živo naravo na mizi pa zastopa netresk, ki sem ga dobila od blogerskega kolega, Mavričnega škrata.


In January I finally could start writing into my gorgeous new planner I bought from Milanka (Ha-Ha on facebook). I was looking forward to this whole December 😉

Januarja sem končno lahko začela pisat v moj prečudoviti Ha-Ha rokovnik. Celi december sem se veselila novega leta zaradi tega 😉 


Another new thing I received in January is this plastic hand for rings. Thanks mum!

Še ena stvar, ki sem jo prejela v januarju, je ta plastična roka za prstane. Hvala, mama!


And how was my brand, 3 Ptice, in January? Well, sales were pretty slow, to be honest. I didn’t have a sale for two weeks together, which can be pretty depressing. I even lowered prices of some of my stuff. But none of it got sold. That’s quite funny, because here and there people in Slovenia (we are still in financial crisis here) say my prices are too high, but when I lower them no one buys a thing.

Good thing is I wrote my first newsletter ever and after the second edition I sold a CD necklace to a cool girl here in Slovenia. And the next week the link to my tote bag appered on the facebook page of an awesome movie Beasts of the Southern Wild. After that I sold one bag to a cool guy in Los Angeles (my first shipping to L.A.!) and one to New York, on 5th Avenue to be exact (I told everyone about this). And last week I received this message from NY:

Hi Anita,

I’m writing from New York where we just received the new tote bag. The address you actually sent the bag to is a company called Cinereach and we produced Beasts of the Southern Wild.
We love the bag!


Thanks for sending and thanks for helping us Beast It!

Many thanks,
Team Cinereach


Also, I was working on first ever 3 Ptice collaboration. With an amazing slovenian brand called Fino Fino. That was a step out of my comfort zone. I was really afraid that Martina, girl behind the brand, won’t like the bags I painted. But it all turned out great and she made amazing pictures! Here you can see the result.

Okaaay, fellas, if you read this, please write a comment, so that I will know I didn’t just spend few hours writing all this in English for nothing. Thanks!

In kako so bile januarja 3 Ptice? No, prodaja je bila precej počasna, če sem iskrena. Kakšna dva tedna skupaj sploh nisem ničesar prodala, kar zna biti precej duhamorno. Nekaj kosov sem celo dala na razprodajo, ampak se ni noben prodal. Kar je prav hecno, glede na to, da mi včasih kdo reče, da ima previsoke cene. A ko jih znižam, pa nihče nič ne kupi. 

Dobra stvar je, da sem napisala svoje čisto prve e-novice in ko sem posla ven drugi izvod, je ena super punca kupila CD verižico. Teden zatem pa se je povezava do moje vrečke na Etsyju znašla na facebook strani filma Beasts of the Southern Wild. Po tem sem prodala eno vrečko kul fantu v Los Angeles (prvič sem pošiljala tja!) in eno v New York, na Peto Avenijo, če smo natančni (vsem sem povedala za to). In prejšnji teden sem prejela tole sporočilo:

Hi Anita,

I’m writing from New York where we just received the new tote bag. The address you actually sent the bag to is a company called Cinereach and we produced Beasts of the Southern Wild.
We love the bag!

Thanks for sending and thanks for helping us Beast It!

Many thanks,
Team Cinereach



Also, I was working on first ever 3 Ptice collaboration. With an amazing slovenian brand called Fino Fino. That was a step out of my comfort zone. I was really afraid that Martina, girl behind the brand, won’t like the bags I painted. But it all turned out great and she made amazing pictures! Here you can see the result.

Okaaay, fellas, if you read this, please write a comment, so that I will know I didn’t just spend few hours writing all this in English for nothing. Thanks! 

3 Ptice so imele tudi prvo sodelovanje. S čudovito slovensko znamko Fino Fino. To je bil res korak iz cone udobja. Zelo me je bilo strah, da Martini, dekletu za znamko, vrečke ne bodo všeč. Ampak so ji k sreči bile! In čudovito jih je pofotografirala! Tukaj lahko vidite rezultat.

Dooobro! Zelo bom vesela vašega odziva (kdorkoli lahko napiše komentar spodaj), delitve objave itd. Sem jo kar nekaj ur pisala, nagradite moj trud 😉

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. si pa imela kar zanimiv januar 🙂 super si organizirala nakit, pokrivala, pa noro mi je ušeč tvoj planer 🙂
    p.s.: sm se odločila tole tvojo totico "fino je imeti rad" poslati prijateljici iz UK za rojstni dan, ampak zgleda tako kul, da nevem če je ne bom kar sama obdržala 😛


  2. OMOJBOG, hočem te čevlje!!
    *5 vdihov in izdihov*
    Okej, lahko pišem normalno naprej (ampak res so nori, no! :D), moram ti še tukej povedat da so tele finofino totice tako finofine, da se jih kar ne morem nagledat.
    Pa lepo, da si se vrnila, sem pogrešala tvoje poste 🙂

  3. Lep blog, Anita! 🙂 vedno te rada preberem in sem tako radovedna kaj se s tabo dogaja 🙂

    Drži se, uživaj in se prepusti

  4. Super blog imaš 🙂
    Lahko vprašam, če veš kje tvoja mama vzela to roko za prstane? In kakšna je bila cena?

  5. Hvala za odgovor.
    Res? Joj, morem it hitro gledat, ceprav dvomim, da jo še imajo. Noro mi je vsec 🙂

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