“If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been.” -Robert H. Schuller

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lifestylefun252520294_thumb-4406909 001. I was taking pictures with self-timer… and got caught. Felt kinda ashamed. I don’t know why I still feel so freaking shy about taking pictures of myself in public. Oh, yeah, ‘what will people think’ is the only explanation. 001. Fotografirala sem se s samosprožilcem… in bila pri tem ujeta. Seveda me je bilo sram. Ne vem, zakaj še mi je vedno tako nerodno se fotografirat v publiki. Aja, ‘kaj si bojo drugi mislili’ je edina možna razlaga. lifestylefun252520297_thumb-7319149 002. I was taking those pictures the 2nd week of September, when I came back from the seaside escape. And I fell in love with our beautiful little town called Ptuj once again. And even though people often say, that nothing is happening here… Well, it’s not exactly true. I was at three concerts in two days. On Friday night I was at concert of Slovenian punk-rock band, on Saturday morning was a concert of brass band at town market and on Saturday evening I was at concert of one of the most known Slovenian singer-songwriter. So there is (almost) always something happening and people try and they organize events, no matter the lack of profit, they work for each other and for our little town. 002. Te fotke sem naredila v drugem tednu v septembru, ko sem prvič po vrnitvi z morja šla na Ptuj. In sem se ponovno zaljubila v naše malo čudovito mestece. Ljudje pogosto rečejo, da se na Ptuju nič ne dogaja… no, to ni čisto res. V dveh dneh sem bila na treh koncertih. V petek zvečer je na gradu igrala Zablujena Generacija, na sobotno jutro je na tržnici imel koncert ptujski pihalni orkester, v soboto zvečer pa sem bila še na koncertu Adija Smolarja. Tako da se dogaja in ljudje se trudijo in organizirajo dogodke, čeprav niso dobičkonosni, ampak vseeno delajo drug za drugega in za naše mestece. lifestylefun252520323_thumb-8731242 003. And people here are great! I was out with my friends on Saturday night and we had a hella good time! Those folks are awesome! + I met a kind reader of mine that also visited me on my stall at city market in the morning and she was so nice and supportive that a happy dance was a must! And she also suggested me I should write more about my work and all those little things related to it, so I’ll will try, no, I will do my best at it! 003. In ljudje tukaj so čudoviti! V soboto zvečer sem bila zunaj s prijatelji/cami in imeli smo se res odlično! Ti ljudje so fenomenalni! + Spoznala sem prijazno bralko, ki me je že zjutraj obiskala na moji stojnici na tržnici, in je bila tako prijazna in spodbujajoča, da je bil happy dance čisto na mestu. Pravtako mi je predlagala, da malo več pišem o svojem delu in z njim povezanih malih stvareh, tako da se bom res poskusila, ne, res se bom izboljšala na tem področju! lifestylefun252520305_thumb-4051648 004. I almost wrote the sad working class story here. But then deleted the start of it, and decided to write it some other day. 004. Tukaj sem začela s pisanjem žalostne zgodbe delavskega razreda. Ampak sem potem zbrisala, in se odločila, da jo napišem enkrat drugič. lifestylefun252520329_thumb-8969001  005. Because I sold two hand painted totes at craft market on Saturday, I could finally bought some new totes and I will start painting and stamping on them tomorrow, so follow me on instagram, facebook and check out 3 Ptice on Etsy, if you want to be one of the first people that will see new goodies. I was a volunteer at donation center today. We were sorting piles and piles of old clothes. And I wouldn’t be me, if I haven’t took a bunch of clothes with crazy patterns home with me. So also expect some cool pouches and other stuff. But first I have to wash everything! 005. Ker sem v soboto na sejmu prodala dve ročno poslikani totici, sem si lahko končno spet kupila nove vrečke, ki jih jutri začnem poslikavat in štampiljkat, tako da spremljajte instagram, facebook in 3 Ptice, če ste željni kakšnih novih izdelkov. Danes pa sem bila v eni prostovoljski akciji prebiranja rabljenega tekstila v Rogaški Slatini in sem si seveda odnesla en kup norih vzorčastih stvari, tako da lahko pričakujete nove toaletke in druge super izdelke. Ampak prvo še se morajo oblačila prebit skozi pralni stroj. lifestylefun252520308_thumb-8883318 Ring by Špelce | | Špelce prstan lifestylefun252520328_thumb-1679035 006. Well, hour is getting late and I had a long day, so the only thing I still want to tell you is, that I’m working on my new shop, where you can buy cool vintage, secondhand and retouched (by yours truly) clothing pieces. So I invite you to check it out / buy something / tell me what you think! 006. Ura kar beži in za mano je dolg dan, tako da je edina stvar, ki še jo vam želim povedat, da delam na svoji novi trgovinici, v kateri lahko kupite vintage, secondhand in predelana (izpod mojih rok) oblačila. Tako da vas vabim, da pokukate / kaj kupite / mi poveste, kaj mislite! lifestylefun252520332_thumb-6214947 (Secondhand striped shirt – similar here; H&M hat, coat and leggings; New Yorker bag; Deichmann shoes) (Secondhand srajca – podobna tukaj; H&M klobuk, plašček in pajkice; New Yorker torbica; Deichmann čevlji) lifestylefun252520337_thumb-1797410

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. Si me nasmejala s tistim, ko so te zalotili. Potem pa si še sliko pripopala zraven. Ja to z samosprožilcem in če te dobijo je res malo neprijetno (: Mi pa je všeč tvoj outfit, zelo ti pristaja in zato še sreča, da si se slikala, četudi z samosprožilcem 😀

  2. luškanaa! Res dobre slikce..men je drugač tud vedno ful nerodn če se sama slikam, pa tud k me nekdo drug hehe 😀 vedno se mi zdi da ljudnje to obsojajo, čeprav sami vrjetno delajo čist isto 🙂 morm se znebit tega res…dobr post res! 🙂

    1. Hvalaa! ((:
      Ja ne. Meni je tudi nerodno pozirat tudi, ko me kdo drug. Se mi zdi, da si bo kdo mislil "Za koga se pa ima ta? Kaj misli, da je kakšna zvezda?!" Tak tipično po naše, ko je slabo, če kdo izstopa in me je pol samo tudi strah se izpostavljat…
      No, vso srečo, tebi in meni, da to premagama! (:

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