Hello, my dear people! I must admit, that I became somehow shy about writing a blog, since I don’t write that often.
I really wish I will stick with new year’s resolution to write a post at least twice a week next year. After all, I love writing and this little blog of mine has been a source of new opportunities and friendships for quite some years now.
Like everyone, I am reflecting the year that’s behind me and making a plans for a new one. I have to admit, that I am a bit afraid of dreaming too much for the next year, as I failed at so many plans that I had for 2014, like:
– finally learning German
– reaching 100 sales on Etsy
– get rid of my debts
– make more projects that are just for fun
– starting a T-shirt business, with tees made of hemp and organic cotton
I feel dissapointed about myself, because I couldn’t make all this work. Huh, I shall forgive myself for not being as perfectly perfect as I want myself to be 😉
Pozdravljeni, dragi moji ljudje! Priznam, da sem postala skoraj sramežljiva glede pisanja, odkar bolj redko objavljam na blogu.
Res upam, da mi bo uspelo držati mojo novoletno obljubo, da bom naslednjo leto vsaj 2x tedensko napisala novo objavo. Navsezadnje res rada pišem in tale moj blogec je bil v vseh teh letih zame najboljši vir novih priložnosti in prijateljstev.
Kot vsi ostali, imam tudi sama v teh dneh refleksijo leta za mano in delam načrte za leto pred mano. Bom kar priznala, da me je malo strah sanjati o novem letu, saj se mi je ponesrečilo veliko planov za 2014, kot npr.:
– da se bom končno naučila nemščine
– da bom dosegla 100 prodaj na Etsyju
– da se bom znebila dolgov
– da bom uresničila več projektov, ki so namenjeni več ali manj moji lastni zabavi
– da bom začela delati majice z napisi iz konoplje in organskega bombaža
But on the other hand, so many things happened in 2014 that I didn’t planed and they were huge blessings!
– there was an interview with me about this blog and 3 Ptice on our national TV station
– the producers of movie Beasts of the Southern Wild bought a 3 Ptice tote bag, that was inspired by the movie (I keep telling to everyone that I send it to the 5th Avenue of NYC to everyone that ‘s willing to listen)
– my tote bags were twice in Grazia Slovenia, and on some fantastic blogs, even on official Etsy blog (!) (huge thanks to everyone, I love you!)
– I had some deep shit insights about myself that improved my relationship with my boyfriend
– I was invited to some cool events by really awesome people
– I started organising (before that I thought that I hate organisation) yard sale events in our little town of Ptuj with a help of a really inspiring woman
– I even got a place for my first out of home office/studio in our town centre
– I met so many awesome people, oh my God!
A mi je po drugi strani 2014 prineslo toliko stvari, ki jih nisem imela v planu, so pa bile pravi blagoslov!
– na SLO1 je bil intervju z mano o blogu in 3 Pticah
– producenti filma Zveri južne divjine so kupili mojo totico s citatom iz filma (še vedno vsem, ki so pripravljeni poslušati, povem, da sem jo poslala v New York na peto avenijo)
– moje vrečke so bile 2x v slovenski Graziji in na kar nekaj fantastičnih blogih, celo na uradnem Etsy blogu (!) (hvala vsem, rada vas imam!)
– imela sem nekaj globokih spoznanj o sebi, zahvaljujoč katerim se je izboljšal moj odnos z Juretom
– bila sem povabljena na kar nekaj super dogodkov s strani res super ljudi
– s pomočjo Leje Kolednik (Mami Kreativka) sem začela organizirati (pred tem sem bila prepričana, da sovražim organizacijo) dvoriščne razprodaje na Ptuju
– prišla sem celo do pisarne/studia v centru Ptuja, moj prvi delovni prostor izven mojega doma
– dobila sem idejo za 3 Ptice Navdihovalnico in jo tudi realizirala! 1000x hvala vsem podpornikom!
– spoznala sem toliko čudovitih ljudi, o Bog!
– I received so many awesome feedbacks about my work, I just have to brag with the latest one, that came from Singapore:
Dear Anita,
I have received your lovely totes, i love them so much. The yellow smiley face is much bigger than the one you showed online, which is awesome, hahaha.
I love the way you string words together! They are refreshing, original and very different from the ‘standard safe’ style I often see on other crafter/artist works on etsy.
Have a lovely day!
– I became more OK with the fact, that not everybody likes me and my work. I became more aware of who is my ideal customer and decided to focus on those intelligent, fun, activistic human beings. I even wrote a manifest about it in a hit of the inspiration!
What kind of people are attracted to 3 Ptice?
People for whom the status quo is not an option. They know the game and they are ready to change the rules so that everyone wins. They have a revolutionary spirit and they start a revolution with themselves. They know their spending habits have an impact on the world, that’s why they consciously choose to buy eco friendly products and to support independent designers. They aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd, they let their light shine and they light up other open souls. Those people are wholehearted! How can you recognize them? They are all ages and races, but their most common thing is spark in their eyes! Do you have that spark in your eyes? If so, you are more than welcome to fly with 3 Ptice, you are precious part of a bigger story here!
– and there were even more blessings! My gratitude diary is almost completely full! There are just a few pages left unwritten.
So, to draw a line, it was pretty fantastic year! Cheers to 2014 with a cup of ginger tea!
– prejela sem ogromno čudovitih odzivov na moje delo! Moram se pohvalit s tazadnjim, ki je prišel iz Singapurja:
Draga Anita,
prejela sem tvoje ljubke totice, tako zelo so mi všeč. Rumeni smeško je veliko večji, kot tisti, ki ga imaš prikazanega na internetu, kar je zakon, hahaha.
Zelo mi je všeč, kako povezuješ besede! Osvežujoče so, originalne in zelo drugačne od “standardnega varnega” stila pisanja, ki ga ponavadi vidim pri delih ostalih ustvarjalcev/umetnikov na etsyju.
Lep dan ti želim!
– bolj sem začela sprejemati dejstvo, da jaz in moje delo ne moreva biti vsem všeč. Bolj sem začela zavedati, kdo je moj idealni kupec in odločila sem se, da se bom osredotočala na te inteligentne, zabavne, aktivistične ljudi. Še cel manifest sem napisala v vrtincu navdiha!
– in še in še blagoslovov je padlo v moje naročje! Moj dnevnik hvaležnosti je skoraj popolnoma poln, samo še par strani je ostalo nepopisanih.
Da potegnem črto: 2014 je bilo precej fantastično leto! Mu nazdravljam z ingverjevim čajem!

If was “This ain’t no time to sit around cryin’ like a bunch of pussies” the tote bag that you and I loved the most in 2014, I kinda sense, that our favourite of 2015 will be “I love books and deep shit conversations”. Am I right? Available on Etsy and DaWanda since today 😉
Če je bila “This ain’t no time to sit around cryin’ like a bunch of pussies” totica, ki smo jo imeli v 2014 najrajši, imam občutek, da bo v 2015 naša najljubša “I love books and deep shit conversations”. Imam prav? Od danes na voljo na 3ptice.com. (Mimogrede, naročniki na Navdihovalnico še lahko koristite popust, kar počekirajte maile za kodo!)
Go girl!!!
You will kick ass in 2015, learning german or not!
True that!
Draga Anita, super si!!! Cilji so lepa stvar. Ampak ne začrtaj si jih v številkah! In tudi pri novih ciljih si pusti prostor za stvari, ki se zgodijo na poti. Ki jih ne načrtuješ. Ki te presenetijo. In spremenijo marsikaj. Pusti si prostor za navdih in za Navdihovalnico. To je tako lep projekt! Naj čim dlje navdihuje tudi tebe!
Srečno 2015!
Hvala ti, mjami sadež!
Zelo lepo povedano <3
pomembno je iskat dobre stvari in majhne trenutke srece v tem zlogonobnem (to sm sama sestavla besedo :D) svetu! Ti si zame ena teh 'stvari' in bodi pozitivna se naprej! veliko uspehov v 2015 :*
Sliši se kot čisto prava beseda! Ali bo Katja Kozlevčar prevzela Toporišičevo mesto? (z glasom nogometnega reporterja si to predstavljaj :D)
Ti si pa zame, čist res!
To leto je bilo več kot očitno uspešno! Čestitke za vse uspehe! 😉
Hvala ti!
Ej, jaz bi rada malo več zvedela o tvoji blog checklisti v planerju pa ne skužim, kje se da na tvojem blogu komentirat.
Čestitam za vse dosežke!! 🙂