Hi, welcome!
I am Anita Pukšič Koren (hear my name).
I’m here to help you remove everything from your to-do list (and your mental worry-list) that drains your energy and is beyond your control, so that you have time, space and focus for what you truly desire.
I love a combination of life & business coaching, because I believe deeply, that when people do what they love and are appreciated for it, they enjoy their life more (and they are waaaay more pleasant to be around 🎉).

I know that when you have hobbies, fun and meaningful relationships outside your work, you bring higher quality to your work as well. 🌞💃👩🏻💻
I believe that coaching is one of the things that can contribute to a lot more peace, fun and sustainability on the planet, because people who are satisfied with their work and relationships are able to make more conscious choices, as they are not constantly trying to fill the void with unnecessary things. They are able to use their inner creative genius and make long term win-win-win decisions. 💚🌍🌎🌏✨
You are at the right place if you know what you really want, you have a dream, yet SO FAR you have been stopping yourself from fully going for it.
Even if you live 100+ years, life is too short to waste doing things that suck the soul out of you.
You have been through the ups and downs of life, weathered some storms, and come through stronger and wiser. You will not allow some thoughts in your head to stop you anymore.
You, like me, wholeheartedly believe that when people do what they love, everyone benefits from it.
You know that the world doesn’t need more people who suffer their way through life, but more people who love and appreciate life.
People who love life don’t start wars.
People who love life aren’t constantly struggling to fill the void inside with unnecessary things and over-consumption.
People who love life take better care of the planet.
People who love life appreciate the people around them, and their presence is a blessing.
People who love life have more blissful experiences, and they radiate joy.
People who love life inspire others to improve their lives with their own example.
But it takes courage to be boldly in love with life when so many people suffer.
You may ask yourself, “Who am I to have it so good?” and “What if other people hate me if I have it easier than them?”
So far, this has held you back. But today, you are breaking the cycle of self-sabotage.
Because when YOU do what YOU LOVE, there is at least one less suffering person in the world: YOU. And YOU COUNT.
If others envy you for having it easier than them, that is better than them pitying you for having it so damn hard all the time and feeling guilty themselves because they have it easier than you. It’s obvious math which case there are more people suffering. It’s obvious math in which case we have more people on this planet who are in their true power.
I know you are a strong person, and if you choose to pursue your dreams, you will achieve them. Even on your own if necessary. Because sooner or later, you always find a solution.
But I also know that you understand the value of having at least one person:
→ who supports you completely
→ who believes in you and your ability to achieve your dreams
→ who searches for solutions together with you
→ who sees your successes and progress, even when you don’t notice them yourself, and celebrates the heck out of you
→ whom you can trust during bad days or weeks, when you face failure or fear, and won’t take it as proof that your dreams are unattainable, but simply as one step on your journey
→ who sees how everything in your life is coming together into a beautiful masterpiece, even when you only see a mess
I would be honored to be your life and business coach, if our visions align. I want to hear all about your dreams and fears. I want to help you become your own best friend and biggest cheerleader. And I want to advocate for your dreams and remind you of all the reasons why you are the right person to make them a reality when you have moments of doubt and second-guessing.
Some of my credentials:
Deep Love
150+ Coaching sessions
and looking forward to each and every one 💗
1:1 coaching work is what makes my heart sings the most and I glow after sessions.
I love being a coach with my whole heart.
If I could choose any profession in the world and if I had to choose only one, coaching would be it.
I am deeply committed to continual growth in my profession, so I can be of best service to my clients.
20+ years of personal development
I started diving into personal development, psychology, human potential and spirituality as a teenager.
Thanks to inner work I am alive and in love with life despite all that I went through.
I am familiar with numerous modalities for self help and healing and I have been practicing some for a very long time. I intuitively integrate them in our coaching sessions.
Certified Sacred Depths Transformational Practioner
I learned mastery-level, world-class transformational skills from Joanna Lindenbaum, the best coaching teacher in the industry, through the Applied Depth Institute. My coaching skills were thoroughly assessed to earn my certification.
Sacred Depths is a 10-month long deep dive into coaching skills and deep inner work that I cannot recommend enough. It contributed immensely not only to my coaching practice but also to my personal healing.
Trauma informed practioner
I come to sessions with intent to see you, hear you, love you and respect you as a fellow human being just the way you are, with all you have been through.
I know you are capable of achieving your dreams and we go about it in a holistic way, for your wholesome well-being, at pace that is nurturing to your nervous system.
It’s life coaching, because we care about all parts of your life.