Fellas! Your new year resoloutions failed yet? Just kidding 😉 I still have to share with you what I learned…
Tag: Projekt: Jaz
“The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there.” -Robert M. Pirsig
Hi, fellas! It’s been almost a month from my last post here (outfit pics are from October). Well, what can…
Dan podjetnic v Mariboru: Po kakšnem srečnem naključju sem bila danes tam in spoznala kup čudovitih žensk z “jajci”
Pozdravljene prijateljice in prijatelji! Sedim za računalnikom. Pokrita s koco (pozno sem zakurila in se še hiša ni ogrela)…
What has happened since my last post and how much I love you!
So, fellas! It’s really about a time that I write a new post and tell you a little about what…
Time to tell you a truth: I have a dream and two days ago I cried a river of desparate tears
So, I’m not really sure how I’m gonna put this… There’s a mess in my mind, in my life, in…
“If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been.” -Robert H. Schuller
001. I was taking pictures with self-timer… and got caught. Felt kinda ashamed. I don’t know why I still feel…
Pag, Croatia 2013 Diary
Pozdravljeni! Nekaj časa se nisem javila. Ampak imam zelo dober razlog! Z Juretom sva bila na počitnicah na čudovitem Pagu.…
Are you a Sunshine?
Hollaaaa! Ko sem urejala te fotke, sem pomislila, da mogoče izgledam na njih malo preveč srečno. Kot da bi bila…
Iskreno o tem, kako je bilo na Artishu
Tako! Končno je spet prišel čas, da nekaj napišem. Najlepša hvala vsem, ki tu pa tam počekirate, če mi je…
Brainwashed woman
Pozdravljeni, prijatelji! Dolgo časa se nisem javila. No, pravzaprav samo en teden in en dan. Kar blogerke/ji čutimo kot mesec…