What has happened since my last post and how much I love you!

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So, fellas! It’s really about a time that I write a new post and tell you a little about what happened since last one where I showed my vulnerability to the world.

But first I have to thank you for your support! I mean, you are AWESOME! I was sure no one (actually I thought that maybe 5 people will read it) is going to read it due to to its lenght (probably the longest post I ever wrote), but you proved me wrong! And I’m really thankful about that! I actually think it’s the most readed post on Life.Style.Fun., if I don’t count the one with giveaway. And it’s definetely the most shared! Over 100 facebook likes and shares? You are definetely awesome and I love you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I’m really touched by the fact that so many of you were touched by my story (maybe I should be a writer – my childhood wish;)! Thank you for all the comments and messages with kind words of support <3
And I wasn’t even sure if I should post such a personal story. (I did, because I didn’t want to throw away all that hours spent writing it)

Prijatelji! Res je že čas, da napišem novo objavo in vam povem, kaj se je kaj zgodilo od moje zanje objave, v kateri sem pokazala svetu svoj ranljivi obraz.

Ampak prvo se vam moram zahvalit za podporo! Mislim, ČUDOVITI ste! Prepričana sem bila, da ne bo nihče (no, upala sem na vsaj 5 ljudi) prebral objave, glede na to, da je bila tako dolga (verjetno najdaljša na tem blogu), ampak ste mi dokazali, da se motim! In sem vam res hvaležna! Mislim, da je celo najbolj brana objava na Life.Style.Fun., če ne štejem tiste z nagradno igro. Je pa definitivno najbolj deljena! Več kot 100 facebook všečkov in delitev? Definitivno ste čudoviti in vas imam zelo rada! Hvala, hvala, hvala!

Res se me je dotaknilo, da se vas je moja zgodba tako dotaknila (morda bi pa morala bit pisateljica, kot je bila moja otroška želja;)! Hvala vam za vse komentarje in sporočila s srčnimi besedami podpore! <3
In če pomislim, sploh nisem bila prepričana, če naj objavim tako osebno zgodbo. (Potem sem jo, ker nisem želela vreči vstran vseh teh ur pisanja).


A little about a coat and then I’ll tell you about consequences that my previous post had on my life. I received this coat from a fellow awesome blogger named Saša (check out her personal style blog) this spring. She said she rather see a cool person (that’s me!!:D) wearing it, than hanging it in her closet. I’m really a lucky gal, because there’s so many great people in my life!

Malo o plašču, potem pa vam povem še o posledicah, ki jih je prejšnja objava imela na moje življenje. Prejela sem ga od čudovite blogerke po imenu Saša (počekirajte njen stilski dnevnik) to pomlad. Rekla je, da raje vidi, da ga nosi kul oseba (to sem jaz!!:D), kot pa da ji visi v omari. Res sem srečnica, ker je toliko izjemnih ljudi v mojem življenju!


So, about the consequences! I sold two totes the same day, woohoo! Thanks Mushei and Monika! And two next week – thanks Dejan!

And I was offered a little job! Janja from JP Design read the post and called mean if I want to sell books for children and youth in one shopping center in Maribor. After some calculations I took it! Thanks Janja!

I will earn enough to cover my monthly bussienes duties to country with it. So actually I will work just for that, that I can legaly work (I hope this sentence makes sense to you). But at least I will have peace of mind for two months with it! And I love books! I’m gonna read all of them! I always wanted to be payed for reading! So that’s a dream come true! And I’m sure I’m gonna meet some awesome people!

Torej, glede posledic. Dve totici sem prodala še isti dan, juupii! Hvala Mushei, hvala Monika! In dve naslednji teden – hvala Dejan!

In ponujena mi je bila ena službica. Janja z JP Design, je prebrala objavo in me poklicala, če bi morda želela prodajat otroške in mladinske knjige v novem Mercator centru na Taboru v Mariboru. Po nekaj izračunih sem jo vzela! Hvala, Janja!

S tem bom zaslužila dovolj, da bom pokrila mesečne prispevke za s.p. Torej bom v bistvu delala za to, da lahko delam (upam, da vam je stavek smiseln). Ampak bom vsaj za dva mesca imela duševni mir. In knjige obožujem. Vse bom prebrala! Vedno sem hotela bit plačana za branje knjig! Tako da so se mi ene sanje uresničile! In gotovo bom spoznala nekaj super ljudi!

(Secondhand leaf print shirt; 3 Ptice tote; H&M leggings; Cube shoes) (Majica iz druge roke; 3 Ptice totica; H&M pajkice; Cube čevlji)

Otherwise, I clearly set a goal to become more organized. That’s a tough one for me, but I’m working on it and our house already looks a little more organized. So much more space to breath. Huuuh! And of course I work on organizing my small bussines and all the roles I play in it.

And, there’s important news! Yesterday, when I was driving to the city (to deliver a tote, to buy new plain ones and to go for a pizza with boyfriend, which I paid, yeah), I realized that my favourite company in the world, 3 Ptice, of course, is one year old! Yep, it’s been a year since I registrated my small bussines. And that has been the best year of my life so far with all its ups and downs. And I’m gonna make the next one even better, with your support, I hope, and clearly (look at the picture bellow):

Drugače pa sem se še trdno odločila, da bom postala bolj organizirana. To je težka za mene, ampak delam na tem in se v naši hiši že malo pozna! Veliko več prostora za dihanje, huuuuuh! In seveda, delam tudi na tem, da bolje organiziram 3 Ptice in vse vloge, ki jih tukaj igram. 

In še pomembna novica! Včeraj ko sem se peljala v mesto (da dostavim totico, da kupim nove, in da grem s fantom na pico – ki sem jo jaz plačala, jupi!), sem ugotovila, da je moje najljubše podjetje na svetu, 3 Ptice, seveda, staro eno leto! Jap, eno leto je že minilo, odkar sem registrirala s.p. In to je bilo najboljše letu v mojem življenju do zdaj, z vsemi vzponi in padci vred! In naslednjo bom si naredila še boljše, z vašo podporo, upam! In kristalno je jasno, da (poglejte na spodnjo fotko):


It’s time to make a new bussines plan! And to play BIG! So, I’ll go now to creating some new stuff and brainstorming and feeling excited about what is yet to come!

And you should go check out my shop and give yourself a gift for being awesome! You will also give me a gift that says “I appreaciate you, your time and your work!”

And if you spend  around $30 or more on 3 Ptice eco friendly goodies till 1st of November 2013,  you’ll get an additional useful and cute gift made by yours truly! Just let me know if you prefer these pouches or these pouches 😉

Čas je, da naredim nov poslovni načrt. In da začnem igrat bolj na veliko! Tako da grem zdaj na izdelovanje novih stvari in na možganske vihre in na občutke navdušenja, zaradi stvari, ki še prihajajo! 

Vi pa lahko počekirate mojo trgovinico in si kaj podarite preprosto zato, ker ste čudoviti! In s tem podarite še meni darilo, ki pravi “Cenim tebe, tvoj čas in tvoje delo!”

In če do prvega novembra 2013 porabite za 3 Ptice modne dodatke več kot 20€, boste prejeli še dodatno luštno in uporabno darilce, ki ga bom seveda naredila jaz! Vi mi samo povejte, kaj vam je bolj všeč, te torbice ali ti mošnjički 😉


By the way, when I cannot find time for new blog posts, you can check what’s happening with me and 3 Ptice on instagram and facebook.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mimogrede, kadar mi ne uspe napisat nove objave, lahko pogledate, kaj se dogaja z mano in 3 Pticami na instagramu in facebooku.

Imejte čudežen vikend!

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. Suuuuuper za jobek! Ne dvomim da boš v knjigarnici totalno uživala! In kako lep plašč, v njem pa totalno kjut bejba :)!
    Tudi ti mej čudovit vikend :)!


  2. Jaz tudi nisem bila cisto sure zakaj bom mela tvojo toaletko, ampak zdaj so vse tri v uporabi :D.
    In upam da kmalu tudi jaz pridem do nove sluzbe, d bom lahko spet kaj zapravila 🙂

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