Ja, res je! Ko mi je v glavi kliknilo, da pa morda lahko svoje delo dojemam kot umetnost, je prišlo…
Tag: 3 Ptice
Cool people wearing 3 Ptice: Maja, licila.si
Photo: Maja Švener, licila.si Proud announcement! One of the most successful slovenian female entrepreneur wears 3 Ptice tote bag with…
This is how we will roll in 2015
My dear birdies! I have some wishes for you (and me) in 2015 and I’m gonna tell them with a…
As short as it could be: review of my 2014
Hello, my dear people! I must admit, that I became somehow shy about writing a blog, since I don’t write…
Art + music + cool people + coctails. Is there anything better? Tomorrow!!
So, if you happen to be in Maribor tomorrow, come on over! You are invited by me! The spotlight is…
GIVEAWAY: 3 Ptice “This ain’t no time to sit around cryin’ like a bunch of pussies” tote bag
I usually don’t do giveaways, but when I do, I give away something awesome! So if you want this tote…
1st day without facebook felt like a week
Hello fellas! I’ll be really quick today, no kidding! I had the longest day ever today! I’ve done so many…
Worrier –> Warrior –> Joyier
Hello, people! Long time no hear! But I’m still alive and kickin’ it. Or not. I have quite of a…
2. Dvoriščna razprodaja na Ptuju | | 2nd secondhand sale in our town
These are pictures from the second secondhand sale in my co-organisation. In the house of Fürst in our little town…
“When you give another person the power to define you, then you also give them the power to control you.” – Leslie Vernick
Hello birdies! These pics were taken back in August on one very happy day. I just felt so much inner…