1st day without facebook felt like a week

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Hello fellas! I’ll be really quick today, no kidding! I had the longest day ever today! I’ve done so many things, work out, gave people my attention, had awesome talk with my aunt, vacuumed the house, we celebrated my grandma’s 80 Birthday, I had an afternoon nap, went for two walks – watched the sunrise and sunset, baked apple muffins, and now I’m even writing the post. With very sleepy eyes!
I guess that happens if you quit facebook. The day that feels like a week, because you make time for so many things!

So I’ll just leave you with the pics from my morning walk – it was like the sun came up just for me – and wish you a good night!

And also, go check out my shop! I uploaded bunch of awesome handpainted tote bags and scrunchies! 3 Ptice (3 Birds) are waiting for you!


Pozdravljeni! Danes bom res hitra, brez heca! Imela sem najdaljši dan vseh časov! Naredila sem toliko stvari, telovadila, namenila ljudem svojo pozornost, imela super duper pogovor s teto, posesala hišo, praznovali smo babičin 80. rojstni dan, privoščila sem si popoldanski spanec, šla na dva sprehoda – gledala sončni vzhod in zahod, spekla jabolčne mafne in zdaj celo pišem objavo! Z zelo zaspanimi očmi!
Zgleda, da se to zgodi, če pustiš facebook. Dan, ki se zdi kot teden, ker imaš naenkrat v dnevu čas za toliko stvari! 

Tako, zdaj vas puščam s fotografijami mojega jutranjega sprehoda – zdelo se je, kot da se je sonce vstalo samo za mene – in vam želim lahko noč!

Ja, pa poglejte še na 3 Ptice, en kup finih totic in gumic za lase sem naložila v trgovino!


With Love,

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By Anita Puksic

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. fotografije so čudovite ! tudi jaz se na koncu dneva počutim čudovito, ko vem, da je biu moj dan produktiven in da ni vključeval zapravljanje časa na socialnih omrežjih. 😀

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