This is how we will roll in 2015

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My dear birdies!

I have some wishes for you (and me) in 2015 and I’m gonna tell them with a help of my 3 Ptice tote bags.

I wish you, to go out of your comfort zone quite often. To have courage say ‘yes’ to things that feel right to your soul and to say ‘no’ to the things that shrinks your soul.

Drage moje ptičice!

Imam nekaj želja za vas (in tudi zase) v 2015. In povedala vam jih bom s pomočjo mojih 3 Ptice torbic.

Želim vam, da greste kar se le da pogosto iz cone udobja. Želim vam poguma, da rečete ‘ja’ stvarem, ki jih vaša duša začuti in ‘ne’ tistim, ob katerih se skrči.


I hope you will dare greatly and go for that big dream of yours. Some things are worth doing even if we fail countless times!

Upam, da si boste veliko drznili in naredili korake k uresničitvi vaših največjih sanjah. Nekatere stvari so vredne našega truda, tudi če zraven neskončnokrat pademo. 

Leave some room for surprises in your day, because life tends to be full of surprises anyway. I often say ‘I didn’t see that coming when I woke up today!’ Life holds many awesome surprises for us, my friend!

Želim vam, da vsak dan dopustite kakšno presenečenje, ker vas bo življenje itak presenetilo v vsakem primeru. Sama pogosto rečem ‘Tega si nisem mislila, ko sem se zjutraj zbudila!’. Življenje je res polno norih presenečenj! 


But sometimes the surprises aren’t so pleasant. Sometimes life gets hard. Sometimes you roll in a self pity. I wish you to set a timer, cry yourself out and then start taking new actions, because:

Ampak včasih ta presenečenja niso tako prijetna. Včasih je življenje težko. Včasih se zgubimo v samopomilovanju. V tem primeru vam želim, da si določite čas za jok, spravite ven kar vas teži in potem stopite v akcijo, ker:

A beautiful photo thanks to Dominika Veršič – stolen from her instagram.

You have things here to do (or be) on this planet, you have a calling in your heart and you know it! So you better get:

Na tem planetu imate nekaj za narediti (ali biti), srce vas k nečemu vodi in to dobro veste! Tako da je najboljše, da začnete spet delat na tem. 


You know, that much busy, that you still have enough time for the things and people you love.

Toliko delat, da imate zraven dela, ki vas veseli še vseeno dovolj časa za stvari in ljudi, ki jih imate radi. 


And remember, you don’t have to worry, because:

In zapomnite si, ni razloga za sekirancijo, ker se bo vsaka stvar uredila.


Your work is just to:

Vse kar morate narediti je:


Anita & 3 Ptice

Z ljubeznijo,
Anita & 3 Ptice.

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


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