I had such a great week. One long time dream came true. I was happy a freaking lot. I felt…
Tag: New
How was I today and how was my January
So, finally I feel like writing again. I don’t know why I postpone it so much in these last few…
What has happened since my last post and how much I love you!
So, fellas! It’s really about a time that I write a new post and tell you a little about what…
Pag, Croatia 2013 Diary
Pozdravljeni! Nekaj časa se nisem javila. Ampak imam zelo dober razlog! Z Juretom sva bila na počitnicah na čudovitem Pagu.…
“In every man's heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.” -Christopher Morley
Pozdravljeni! V tem postu je ogromno fotk tega outfita! Jah, vse so mi zelo všeč, Ne vem kaj mi je…
“The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.” -Emile Zola
Pozdravljeni, prijatelji! Vem da malo zanemarjam blog zadnje čase. Imam miljavžent še neobjavljenih slik. Tale outfit sem nosila pred več…
DIY: Pants to shorts
Tele hlače sem našla pri babici. Malo so mi bile prekratke, zato sem jih spremenila v kratke 😀 Samo malo…
DIY: Vest with studs and chains
Tale jeans brezrokavnik sem dobila od bralke Petre. Ker je bil malo dolgočasen, sem ga popestrila z neti iz starega…
Inside all of us is a wild thing
01. Saj nisem bila ziher. če bi delila tole sliko, saj ne zgleda tako dobro, kot bi želela. Ampak sem…
These boots were made for walking
Škorenjčki, ki mi jih je za božično darilo kupil Jure! Ne boste verjeli, ampak je res, bili so znižani iz…