Pogovor po telefonu z mamo. Klicala me je, ker je pozabila kupiti limone. In Jure me je fotografiral med pogovorom,…
Tag: Outfits
I wanna feel totally free, no responsibilities, just everything is okay…
For just one day I wanna break all regulations, Because we all go the same way, and we all…
Beautiful dotted dress
(Obleka Pull&Bear; klobuk H&M; torbica Oviesse; Čevlji Ali Star) (Pull&Bear dress; H&M hat; Oviesse bag; Ali Star shoes) To čudovito…
Feel good!
Pozdravljeni! Konec sem z maturo, yeeha! Upajmo, da sem naredila. Hey ya! I’m over with exams, yeeha! I hope I…
DIY: torn vintage dress to high waisted skirt
Tale vintage obleka se je strgala na ramenu… This vintage dress had been torn on the shoulder… … zato sem…
Mind tricks…
Zdravo! Dva tedna sem bila brez računalnika in še vedno živim 😉 In še vedno sem zasvojena z internetom. Res…
Through rain with yellow umbrella.
(Bluza vintage; blazer iz druge roke; jeans Passiontex; čevlji Graceland; torbica H&M) (Vintage blouse; secondhand blazer; Passiontex jeans; Graceland shoes;…
Okay, it seems like the hardest part of blogging are post titles…
(Blazer iz druge roke; srajca vintage; modri pulover Tally Weijl; pas C&A; jeans Oviesse; torbica neznano; čevlji H&M) (Secondhand blazer;…
The last day of my teenage years.
(Jopa vintage; srajca Kilimanjaro; klobuk H&M; jeans Passiontex; čevlji Ali Star; verižica dar od Lushae Jewelry) (Vintage cardigan; Kilimanjaro shirt;…
Dreamer dream dreams..
Sreda zjutraj in zgodaj popoldne. Wednesday, in the morning and early afternoon. (Tunika Zara; kratke hlače New Yorker; hlačne nogavice…