(Bluza vintage; blazer iz druge roke; jeans Passiontex; čevlji Graceland; torbica H&M) (Vintage blouse; secondhand blazer; Passiontex jeans; Graceland shoes; H&M bag) Dež in nizke temperature. Pomankanje vodoodpornih čevljev. Matura. Knjige. Učenje. Matematika. In v sebi vseeno čutim srečo. To je res super! Hvala za komentarje na prejšnji post! So mi dali dodaten zagon. V soboto sem si kupila svinčnike (2H, 2B, 4B, 6B, 8B) (: In ja, tisti, ki ste razmišljali, kako to, da je bilo toliko komentarjev: imela sem srečo s komentarjem na fashiontoastu, bil je prvi, hehe (: Rain and low degrees. Lack of waterproof shoes. Final exams. Books. Learning. Math. And I feel happienes inside anyway. That’s just great! Thanks for comments on previous post! You gave me additional impetus! I bought myself pencils (2H, 2B, 4B, 6B, 8B) on Saturday (: And yes, for those who has thought how’s there so many comments: I had luck with my comment on fashiontoast, it was first, hehe (:
Punca, vso srečo na maturi! Zdrži, potem bo sladko 🙂
Hvala! (:
LOVE the pattern on that jacket!
i love your blog!
do you mind following me?
thank you! xoxo
ahhh! really love this outfit. so happy and flowery:)
ps. thanks for the birthday wishes:)
xx raez
Če v sebi čutiš srečo kljub matematiki, si pa res nad vsem 😉
What a cute umbrella! I always wanted one of those slightly domed ones, but it rarely rains in LA!
don't you just love days where you can pull out a cute umbrella!?
@Eva: Jap, to je očiten znak, da je razsvetljenje za vogalom 😉
Loving the mix of prints matey…
Yours truly
i think i am goin to love your blouse underneath…looks really cool with the print and the color…
I love the blazer… the floral print makes it more feminine. 🙂
Loving the look
you are such a cutie! I LOVE EVERYTHING! 😀
Barvito pokrito..odlične barvne kombinacije Beba..všeč mi je tvoj stil, ki je samo tvoj 🙂
in taka sem tudi sama..brez barv bi bil svet gol in dolgočasen.