Hi, fellas! It’s been almost a month from my last post here (outfit pics are from October). Well, what can…
Tag: Mlada podjetnica
“Your heart is full of fertile seeds, waiting to sprout.” -Morihei Ueshiba
Prijatelji! Še sem živa in vesela sem, da sem! Pripravljam se na sejme v decembru, izdelujem nove stvari ves čas…
“The gentle hearts wear the dusty boots” -Malvina Reynolds
3 Ptice are finally back in action! I have a day off in my other job (where I sell books…
Dan podjetnic v Mariboru: Po kakšnem srečnem naključju sem bila danes tam in spoznala kup čudovitih žensk z “jajci”
Pozdravljene prijateljice in prijatelji! Sedim za računalnikom. Pokrita s koco (pozno sem zakurila in se še hiša ni ogrela)…
What has happened since my last post and how much I love you!
So, fellas! It’s really about a time that I write a new post and tell you a little about what…
Time to tell you a truth: I have a dream and two days ago I cried a river of desparate tears
So, I’m not really sure how I’m gonna put this… There’s a mess in my mind, in my life, in…
“If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been.” -Robert H. Schuller
001. I was taking pictures with self-timer… and got caught. Felt kinda ashamed. I don’t know why I still feel…
Cool People Wearing 3 Ptice: Mario, Maruša, Nina, Tara and Maja
This cool guy is Mario and he is wearing a custom hand painted 3 Ptice tote. He is studying social…
Cool people wearing 3 Ptice: Gita
Pozdravljeni! Tole kulsko dekle na fotki je Gita, ki jo morda poznate z bloga ODDS & ENDS. Gita je pomoje…
Busy bee
Ena kratka objava danes, ker sem delovna kot čebela. Jutri grem na slovensko obalo za par dni, jeeej! Svoje izdelke…