Interview with wannabe for Wannabe magazine

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Malo več kot teden dni nazaj je bil na Wannabe Magazinu objavljen intervju z menoj. Hvaležna sem novinarki Jovani Katić, ki je med drugim tudi blogerka pri Blueberries and Jeans, za to priložnost (: Intervju je objavljen v srbščini, zato sem se odločila, da vam ga (v upanju, da vas zanima) tukaj prikažem v slovenščini, za slučaj, če si niste najbolj domači s srbščino (jaz si žal tudi nisem :/). * * * A week and few days ago was published an interview with me on Wannabe Magazine. I am grateful to journalist Jovana Katić (she is also a blogger at Blueberries and Jeans) for giving me this oppurtunity (: Because is interview published in Serbian language I decided to show it to you in English. I hope you’re interested! Just scroll down the page (: wannabe252520life-style_-fun_-25255b325255d-2268827

1. Zdravo! Kako je nastalo ime tvojega bloga?

Zdravo! Veliko razmiđljam o življenju nasplošno (sem neke vrste filozof, heh), o tem, kaj je moja misija na tem planetu, kdo hočem biti in tako dalje ter delim delce iz svojega življenja z bralci. Pravtako sem hotela imeti v imenu stil, ker je to navsezadnje blog o osebnem stilu, in sem želela, da je to razvidno iz imena. Zabava je tam za zabavo, hah. Ne, res, moj stil je nekako zabaven in želim, da je moje življenje zabavno, čeprav je trenutno bolj ‘thug life’, haha, ampak je še vedno zabavno, s svojim smislom za ironijo.

2. Če bi tvoj blog imel izjavo o poslanstvu, kakšna bi bila?

Hmm, zdaj pa si mi dala mislit… Res bi morala kakšno najt. “Živi svoje življenje s stilom in se zabavaj!” “Zgodba otroka iz delavskega razreda, ki bo obogatel ali umrl med poskušanjem.” “Reševanje sveta z nošenjem stari oblačil… Večinoma.” “Zgubi in najdi se v svetu ustvarjalnosti.” Prosim, glasujte v komentarjih, dragi bralci 😀

3. Kako bi opisala svoj stil?

Umetniška babica spozna hipsterično najstnico.

4. Kdo navdihuje tvojo garderobo in zakaj?

Moja babica, ker vedno nosi barve in vzorce. Črno si obleče samo na pogrebe, in ni še nikoli v življenju oblekla hlač. Sama nosim črno in hlače, ampak se mi zdi njena trma prav kul. Nasploh me navdihujejo stari ljudje. Pravtako dobim veliko navdiha od raznih blogerk in na fotografijah lepih deklet na tumblrju. Ali z novih filmov in večinoma s starih, iz pop kulture, od subkultur. Zakaj? Mislim da pač padam na kul. Navdihujejo me tudi oblačila sama po sebi. Verjetno zato, ker je toliko možnosti v enem kosu obleke… lahko ga stiliraš na toliko načinov, pripoveduješ različne zgodbe z njim in celo manipuliraš, kako te svet vidi.

5. Kdo so tvoji najljubši oblikovalci?

Narava, zaradi neskončne ustvarjalnosti. Jaz, ker delam čudovite stvari iz starih oblačil. Ivan Rocco, zaradi barv, printov, elegance in kula. 

6. Kaj počneš, kadar ne blogaš?

Šivam, slikam, berem knjige, kuham, se družim s fantom in prijatelji, hodim na sprehode s psom, vozim dedka okrog zdravnikov, čistim, gledam filme, kosim travo, spim…

7. Tvoje sporočilo za naše bralce

Poslušajte veter. * * *

1. Hi! How did the name of your blog come about?

Hi! I think a lot about life in general (I’m a some kind of philosopher, heh), about what’s my mission on this planet, who I want to be and so on  and I share parts of the way I live with my readers. I also wanted to have style in the name, because this is a personal style blog after all and I wanted it to be obvious from the name. Fun stands for fun, hah. No, really, my style is kinda fun and I want my life to be fun, even though is currently more of a ‘thug life’, haha, but it’s still fun, with it’s sense for irony.

2. If your blog had a mission statement, what would it be?

Hmm, you got me thinking… I really should find one. “Live your life with style and have fun!” “Story of a working class kid who’ll get rich or die trying.”  “Saving the world with wearing old clothes… Mostly.” “Lose and find yourself in a world of creativity.” Please vote in comments, dear readers 😀

3. How would you describe your style?

Artsy grandma meets hipsteric teenager.

4. Who inspires your wardrobe and why?

My grandma, because she loves to wear colours and prints. She wears black only to funerals and had never in her whole life wore pants. I wear black and pants, but I find her obstinacy pretty cool. I get a lot of style inspiration from old people in general. I also get lots of inspiration from random bloggers and from pics of beautiful girls on tumblr. Or from new movies and mostly from old ones, from pop culture, from subcultures. Why? I guess I’m a sucker for cool. I also find clothes themselves very inspiring. Probably because there is so many possibilities in an one piece of clothing… you can style it in so many ways, tell different stories with it and even manipulate how the world sees you. 

5. Who are your favorite designers?

Nature, because of it’s endless creativity. I, because I make beautiful accessories out of old clothes. Ivan Rocco, because of colours, prints, elegance and coolness.

6. What do you do when you’re not blogging?

I’m sewing, painting, reading books, cooking, hanging out with my boyfriend and friends, taking walks with my dog, driving my grandfather around doctors, cleaning, watching movies, mowing the lawn, sleeping,…

7. Your note for our readers 

Listen to the wind.

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


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