Finally ready for the public: 3 Ptice CD necklaces + A very special offer for my blog readers

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Do you remeber, I talked about necklaces made of old CDs in this post? Btw, I’m still proud this idea has fallen into my mind a few years ago 😉

So, this week I finally managed to finish them and take pictures. Necklaces / halfs of CDs are handpainted by yours truly with colours for glass. The process of creating them was very intuitive. No sketches at all. Patterns came to my mind and I painted them. The same with colours. To be honest… I love, love them! The most fun thing about these necklaces is, that people always notice them, but don’t figure out they are made of CDs until we show them backside. And then they love them even more!

And now, my dear readers, I want to offer these necklaces to you. With a very special bonus! Everyone who will order one of these (20€ per piece/$27.40) till the end of this weekend (26th of January 2014, 23:59) can pick one of my ‘ON SALE’ items for free, as a gift! That’s too frigging cool, ain’t?

And why am I so generous? Wanna know the truth? Because my sales in January sucked. (I had 2 – which I’m very grateful for, dont’ get me wrong).

And I need to encourage you to buy something from me, I can see this (you won’t be dissapointed, because I have an excellent customer service –  I love every single person that ever bought something from me). And I need some free space in my beautiful vintage suitcase that cares my items when I go to the art markets. So, it’s a win-win. Stop waiting, drop me an e-mail at

P.S.: You can order neclaces with a gift till the end of this weekend! On Monday I’ll list unsold on Etsy and then there won’t be a gift no more. No-no.

P.S.S.: My e-mail subscribers knew about all this first! Subscribe, so you don’t miss a thing no more 😉

* * *

Se spomnite, da je bilo v tej objavi govora o verižicah, ki sem jih naredila iz starih CD-jev? Čisto mimogrede, še vedno sem zelo ponosna na to idejo 😉 

No, ta teden mi jih je končno uspelo dokončati in pofotografirati. Verižice oz. polovičke zgoščenk so poslikane z barvami za steklo. Proces ustvarjanja vzorcev je bil čisto intuitiven, nobenih skic. Prav tako z barvami. Katere so se mi najbolj zaluštale, so šle gor. Priznam, meni so čisto prečudovite! Najbolj zabavna reč pri teh verižicah je, da jih ljudje vedno opazijo, a ponavadi ne ugotovijo iz česa so narejene, dokler jim ne pokažemo zadnje strani. Potem so pa še samo bolj navdušeni!


In zdaj bi jih rada ponudila vam, dragi moji bralci oz. bralke. In to s prav posebnim bonusom! Vsaka, ki bo naročila verižico (20€/kos) do konca tega vikenda (do 26.1.2014 do 23.59.) si lahko namreč izbere en izdelek iz razprodaje kot darilo! Kul, ha? 😀  

Zakaj takšna radodarnost? Po resnici? Zato, ker je bila prodaja v januarju na psu! Čakaj malo… Ni bla na psu, moj pes je pravi sr(e)čen plesalec-cartalec. Bila je na lenivcu. 

In vi rabite malo spodbude, vidim jaz to. In jaz rabim prostor v mojem lepem vintage kovčku, ki hodi z mano na sejme, za nove izdelke. Vi zmagate, jaz zmagam! Tako da, nič čakat, hitro mail na poslat!


P.S: Zadnji čas za naročilo je to nedeljo minuto pred polnočjo! V ponedeljek bodo namreč šle neprodane verižice na Etsy in na in potem ne bo več darilca oz. D-A-R-I-L-A zraven. Ne-ne. 

P.S.S.: Če bi bil naročeni na moje e-novice (yep, to je nova stvar, šele dva izvoda sem poslala), bi vam verižice bile na voljo že včeraj, prebrali bi mojo izpoved o vzorcih, ki sem jih odkrila pri sebi in me omejuje na poti do uspeha in dobili povezavo na super programe za osebnostno in poslovno rast. Če v bodoče ne želite zamudit dobrot, se prijavite na novice! 

P.S.S.S. Vseeno bom delila tole povezavo. + še eno, za zastonj predavanja na internetu povezana s poslovnostjo, osebnostno rastjo in zakonom privlačnosti, in to z uspešnimi slovenskimi predavatelji. Jaz sem za zadevo zvedela danes od naročnice na moje novice in sem ji res hvaležna, da je tole delila z mano (mimogrede, nimam še veliko naročnic (in naročnikov), imam pa same Čudoviteeee)! Predavanja se začnejo v ponedeljek. 

P.S.S.S.S. Ta objava je nameravala biti zelo kratka.

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


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