Stunning portraits of me, taken by professional photographer Boris B. Voglar

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  anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography252520252528525252925255b225255d-2232419 Yes, total picture overload of my highness bellow! I just couldn’t help myself, I have to share all of those, because I look freaking stunning on them! And believe it or not, this a selection! Those pictures were taken back in June (or it was July?) by one freaking amazing photographer, Boris B. Voglar. This photoshoot was his gift for me for my Birthday (back in May). Totally unexpected, but I accepted it with a huge joy! So, the day of the shooting was quite interesting. At the same day he had a photoshooting with a famous slovenian comedian Tadej Toš for Grazia magazine and I was assistant there (fun!), but before that he had a car accident. Now if you imagine that you have a car accident, just the thought of it probably makes you nervous! And you can be nervous for hours after the accident, worrieng and calculating the damage on the car. But this guy was so calm! So present! Took tons of awesome pictures! He really have this quality of being in the moment and it’s obvious that he has some huge compassionate heart when you see him working and talking with people. We drank a little coffee before he started taking pictures of me, we shared a bit of our life philosophy, which made me really relaxed and open (before we knew each other mainly through facebook posts) and I bet you can see this from the pictures! What you think? P.S.: If you want to work with him, contact him via his facebook page or email boris.voglar(at) You won’t regret it! He has 20+ years of experience in almost all types of photography. * * * Jap, spodaj vas čaka ogromno portretnih fotk moje visokosti! Nisem si mogla pomagat, da ne bi vseh teh delila, ker tako dobro izgledam na njih! In verjeli ali ne, to je selekcija meni najnajljubših! Nastale so v juniju (ali juliju?), fotografiral pa me je izjemen fotograf, Boris B. Voglar. Za rojstni dan mi je namreč podaril portretno fotografiranje. Totalno nepričakovano, ampak sem seveda z veliko radostjo sprejela! Dan fotografiranja je bil precej zanimiv. Pred menoj je namreč imel fotografiranje s Tadejem Tošem za Grazio, kjer sem jaz asistirala (zabavno!), še pred tem pa je imel prometno nesrečo z avtomobilom. No, če pomislite, da imate prometno nesrečo ste verjetno nervozni že ob sami misli na to. In kadar se zgodi, še ste ure potem živčni, zaskrbljeni in v mislih računate škodo in koliko bodo znesli stroški popravila (vsaj jaz sem bila takšna pri mojih dveh nesrečah, ne glede na to, da sem bila super hvaležna, da je bilo vse v redu z menoj in da ni bilo drugih udeležencev). No, ampak ta tip, je bil tako miren. Ustvarjal je svoje čudovite fotografije, kot da se ni nič zgodilo! Res ima to kvaliteto, da zna biti prisoten v trenutku. In če ga opazuješ, ko dela in se pogovarja z ljudmi, ti je očitno, da jih zna začutiti. Preden me je začel fotografirati, sva spila kavo in si podelila košček svoje življenjske filozofije, ob čemer sem se zelo sprostila in odprla (pred tem sva se poznala več ali manj samo preko objav na facebooku). In prepričana sem, da se to vidi tudi na fotografijah! Kaj menite? P.S.: Če želite sodelovati z njim, ga kontaktirajte preko njegove facebook strani ali e-pošte boris.voglar(at) Ne bo vam žal! Ukvarja se s skoraj vsemi zvrstmi fotografije in ima 20+ let izkušenj na tem področju! anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography252520252528225252925255b225255d-7660953 anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography252520252528625252925255b225255d-5154097     anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography252520252528925252925255b325255d-1109768    anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography2525202525281325252925255b325255d-1432801 anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography2525202525281825252925255b225255d-5267135 anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography2525202525281425252925255b225255d-1364025   anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography2525202525282125252925255b225255d-3246749    anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography2525202525282625252925255b225255d-8531937 anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography2525202525282525252925255b225255d-2480082  anita252520puksic252520portret252520portrait252520boris252520b-252520vogla252520photography2525202525282725252925255b225255d-9973600

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


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