Anita’s Life Update #2: All the things I could do in a New Year…

Published Categorised as Anita's Life Updates, Letters from Anita
Anita’s Life Update #2: All the things I could do in a New Year…

All the things I could do in New Year and probably I won’t…

All the things I could do in a New Year and probably I will…

I have this thing before the start of a New Year where I am thinking about all the things I could change about my lifestyle in a new year.

The last thing added to my mental list is getting to bed at 9.30 pm and getting up around 6 am. It is really important for me to get to bed early, so I can relax before I fall asleep. And it is pretty amazing to see the sunrise and breath morning air full of prana.

Other things on a list:

  • finish reading bunch of books,
  • workout (incorporate yoga),
  • go through the photos in clouds (delete a lot, print some),
  • go through personal development courses I bought in the last years again (before I buy anything new),
  • do emotional fitness and vagus nerve exercises daily,
  • stop watching Netflix while eating,
  • journaling my intentions through out the day between every segment,
  • checking in with my values daily,
  • write 1000 words a day / write a blog post
  • finish all the unfinished things from previous years or decide I will no longer worry about them,
  • meditate every morning,
  • sell daily,
  • dive deep into Human Design,
  • start painting/drawing daily
  • learn more about photography
  • read/listen something in German everyday
  • learn more about investing money

You know things like that.

It will be interesting to check this list at the end of 2021 and see what I did change and what I did not.

Anita’s Life Update #2: All the things I could do in a New Year…

I just checked the list I did last year (I am not ready to talk about publicly about all the things on it yet). I can see now how that list from the last year is more of a long term commitment than I imagined, however, what I’ve actually accomplished this year is all connected to my long term vision.

My success list:

One of my goals for 2020 was to fill my moleskine with meetings with people whose presence I really enjoy. More defined version of this goal was to hang out with somebody that is not my dog or partner at least once a week. And I totally did it. (Big thanks to all my friends (old ones and new ones) for enjoying my company and letting me enjoy yours, I feel so blessed to have you in my life.) When it was a lock down I had conversations with friends over phone or skype. A lot of people say “It is not the same, there is no physical touch”. I also love to hug my friends physically, yet I don’t need their physical touch to feel touched by them.

(At least in most cases. One of the reasons I am looking forward to end of pandemics is massage under the hands of Valerija – I need to write a proper post about that experience, it was one of the highlights of my 2020).

I am super proud I quit smoking cigarettes in 2020. This was on my mental list for more than 10 years. I remember thinking as a teenager, that I will stop smoking when I am 20 years old, because it seemed really childish to me to smoke after you are 20. Well, I stopped at 30, lol. But that is another thing I should write a proper post about.

I also started eating really healthy. Most of the time I eat vegan now, gluten free and sugar free. I am vegetarian since I was 13 or 14 years old, but I loved pizza (or toast with cheese and ketchup) and could eat it every day (not that I actually did… or did I?), despite being bloated afterwards and in food comma. As long as I could be still counted amongst skinny people with my 50 kg, it was not a problem for me. Until scary skin inflammation this year that made me change my eating habits over night.

Oh, and I started blogging again. Though it goes on the list for 2021 to make it a habit. Still, I am proud of myself for all the work I did on my webpage. I know it is mostly not visible to the visitors how much is put in, yet I really need to acknowledge myself for persisting and my man for holding space for me everytime I was freaking out because the thing I thought would take a minute to change took me a few hours or sometimes even days.

Gosh, I even started exercising, almost daily!! And I am not even counting walks with my dog. One of the things still left to figure out for 2021 is to figure out the proper amount of exercise for me. I like 10 minutes HIIT sessions, because they are fun and I feel amazing when I break a sweat, yet my body aches…

[OMG, we just had an earthquake, I am still tense as I am typing, what a year].

… for the days after. And in between I already do the next exercise. So my body is aching for a whole month now already, lol. I hope I will get used to exercising soon.

For 2021 I am thinking about 10 minute HIIT sessions one day and 20 minutes yoga next, with breaks on Saturdays (because cleaning is the workout on itself). By the way, if any Human Design Projector type is reading this and has an advice on fitness for projector types, please, do share it in the comments bellow.

What are your goals for 2021 and what are your accomplishments in 2020 that you are most proud of? I invite you to share in the comments bellow.

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.

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