About my 365 walks project and my favourite pictures of it

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365252520walks252520collage_thumb-9683177 Like I already told you I started with 365 project in 2013. My plan was to go for a walk everyday. I got an idea on 5th of January when I realised, I already went for a walk everyday, sometimes even twice! For years before I have in my mind that if I could make 3 walks per week, it would be a great success. I find it funny now, when I remember I felt so busy back in the days, I couldn’t take half an hour for a walk, like it would be too freaking much for my schedule. Haha. And the funniest thing is, I was sitting behind computer doing lots of nothing.   Kot sem vam že povedala, sem v 2013 začela s 365 projektom v katerem sem nameravala vsak dan na sprehod. Do ideje sem prišla 5. januarja, ko sem ugotovila, da sem sem bila vsak dan na sprehodu, včasih celo dvakrat. Leta prej se mi je zdelo, da če bi šla na sprehod 3x na teden, da bi že to bil zelo velik uspeh. Zdaj mi je hecno, če pomislim, da sem se počutila tako zelo zaposleno, da se mi je zdelo pol urce na dan za sprehod prevelika obremenitev za moj urnik. Haha. Najbolj hecno je to, da sem zelo veliko časa presedala za računalnikom in da seveda nisem naredila nič kaj pametnega. 365252520walks252520collage2525202525281252529_thumb-3811723 And so I decided to go for a walk everyday and post one picture from it on my instagram. I posted 278 pictures. I went for more walks. I guess 20 or 30 more. But I forgot phone at home, the battery was too low, I forgot to take a picture…   No, in tako sem si postavila cilj, da grem vsak dan na sprehod in da z vsakega sprehoda objavim eno fotko na instagramu. Objavit mi je uspelo 278 fotografij. Na sprehod sem šla sicer večkrat. Predvidevam, da je bilo to kakšnih dvajset do trideset sprehodov več. Ampak sem pozabila telefon doma, imela premalo baterije, pozabila narediti fotko,.. 365252520walks252520collage2525202525282252529_thumb-9460908 But I went for at least 300 walks in a year. I think I deserve to be proud of myself. After walk I usually came home full of fresh energy, ready to face the challenges, at peace, could better understand myself and others, full of inspiration, connected to the source… I think walking helped my energy in general.   V enem letu sem torej šla vsaj 300x na sprehod. Mislim, da se lahko zadovoljno potrepljam po ramenih 😉 Po sprehodu sem se ponavadi vrnila domov polna nove energije za soočenje z izzivi, pomirjena, bolj razumevajoča do sebe in ostalih, polna navdiha, bolj povezana z Življenjem… Mislim, da so sprehodi pripomogli, da je moja raven energije na splošno višja. 365252520walks252520collage2525202525283252529_thumb-1117643 And all the beauty I saw… I got richer on every level. A special thanks must be shout to my dog, Mufi (the white one) for being such a great companion. And often the main motivation. It’s funny, how he can run around freely whole day, but still he get nuts when we go for a walk! Everytime! He jumps around and barks like crazy. After 100m of walking Bela (neighbour’s dog) catches us, because she hears Mufi barking down the village. My other dog Pupa goes for a walk with us only when she feels like it, She ain’t really eager about it.   Vsa ta lepota, ki sem ji bila priča pa me je seveda še dodatno obogatila na vseh nivojih. Še posebej pa se imam za zahvalit mojemu psu, Mufiju (bele nebarve), da je bil takšen zvest spremljevalec. In pogosto tudi glavna motivacija. Hecno je, da lahko laufa naokrog koliko želi, saj ima prosto gibanje, ampak kadar greva midva na sprehod, se njemu strga od sreče! Vsakič! Skače in laja kot zmešan. In potem ko prehodiva prvih 100m, naju pogosto ujame sosedova Bela, ki sliši Mufijev lajež dol po vasi in ve, da je čas za sprehod. Moja psička Pupa pa gre samo, ko se ji ljubi, ni ravno najbolj zagnana. 365252520walks252520collage2525202525284252529_thumb-1630906 365252520walks252520collage2525202525285252529_thumb-9214322 So, a year has passed and this project is now done. I will still go for a walk regulary. If not because of me, then because of Mufi. I might still post a picture from a walk from time to time.   Ta projekt sem zdaj torej zaključila. Na sprehode bom redno hodila še naprej. Če ne zaradi sebe pa zato, da osrečim Mufija. Fotografijo s sprehoda pa bom objavila le tu pa tam kakšno. 365252520walks252520collage2525202525286252529_thumb-6409257 If you think about some 365 project, I encourage you to give walking a chance!   Če razmišljate o kakšnem 365 izzivu, vam sprehode res toplo priporočam! Sama pa sem se odločila, da bom letos sodelovala v Nalininem 365 projektu. Gre za skupinski projekt, pri katerem sodelujoči vsak dan objavimo fotografijo na neko temo oz. na nek #hastag 😉 Sodelovat sem začela danes (: 365252520walks252520collage2525202525287252529_thumb-8874538 I made instagram collages with help of this useful post at Bonjour, Blogger!

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


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