Cool people wearing 3 Ptice: Tina

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People! This is Tina! I saw her only three times in my life and that had all been in the same day, but she has a special place in my heart since then. First time I saw her at the parking lot. Me and my boyfriend went to the store for some food (or it was energy drink and chips?) and outside we run into my schoolmate from primary school, Tilen. He introduced us to his girlfriend, Tina. I told them I have a stall with my stuff at the event called Ptujska noč (Ptuj’s night – music and alcohol on the streets of Ptuj) in the evening and invited them to come say hi to me. You know, selling can be really boring sometimes, like when people are just passing by and you stand there hoping someone will at least look at you for a milisecond. I was at Ptuj’s night the evening before and sales were very slow. I didn’t even cover half the price of my stall. So it’s awesome when people you know come over to encourage you a little.

And so Tilen and Tina came in the evening and I was really happy to see them. I think I had one or two sales so far. They loved my stuff (oh, how much I love that) and bought two handpainted totes (this one and one with slovene sign). That was hella awesome! I asked Tina to try on this headband, because I saw she has a little smaller head than most of the girls and I was interested in how it would fit her. She looked so good in it! Like a star! So I asked her if I can take a few pictures.

Ljudje! To je Tina! Videla sem jo samo trikrat v življenju in to je bilo vse v enem dnevu, a ima od takrat posebno mesto v mojem srcu. Prvič sem jo videla na parkirišču. S fantom sva šla v trgovino po hrano (ali po energijsko pijačo in čips?) in zunaj sva naletela na mojega sošolca iz osnovne šole, Tilna. Predstavil nama je svojo punco Tino. Povedala sem jima, da imam na Ptujski noči stojnico s svojimi izdelki in ju povabila, naj me prideta pozdravit. Veste, prodajanje zna biti včasih zelo dolgočasno, npr. ko ljudje samo bežijo mimo, ti pa stojiš tam v upanju, da te kdo vsaj za milisekundo pogleda. Tam sem bila že prejšnjo noč in prodaja je bila zelo slaba, pokrila si nisem niti pol cene stojnice. Tako da je res fajn, ko pride kdo od znanih mimo in te malo spodbudi.

In tako sta okrog prišla Tilen in Tina, kar me je zelo razveselilo. Do takrat sem imela eno ali dve prodaji. Nad izdelki sta bila navdušena (oh, kako imam to rada). In sta kupila kar dve totici (to in to). To je bilo noro fajn! Tino sem prosila, če si poskusi ta obroč, ker sem videla, da ima malo manjšo glavo kot večina punc in me je zanimalo, kako ji paše. Izgledala je čudovito! Kot kakšna zvezda. Tako da sem jo prosila, če jo lahko fotografiram.


I think she said when posing she’s not used to it, but I think you all agree she looks hella good. And that headband I made… Like it was made for her!

Tilen and Tina went their way then and I was all happy that I sold two bags to one great couple and that I have such nice photos. Admit it, they are – I didn’t want to spoil the beautiful light from the candles with flash, so they aren’t crispy – but Tina with my headband and her gorgeous smile makes them perfect.

So, about half an hour later comes surprise… They came back and Tilen bought this headband for Tina as a late anniversary gift! So it was literary made for her! No wonder I couldn’t sell it earlier.
I have to apologize to Tina, because it took me forever to post these photos. The event happened in August…

Mislim, da je med poziranjem rekla, da tega ni navajena počet. Ampak mislim, da se vsi strinjate, da zgleda super dobro.  In ta obroč, ki sem ga naredila… kot da bi ga ravno zanjo!
 Tilen in Tina sta potem šla svojo pot in jaz sem bila vsa srečna, ker sem prodala kar dve torbici enemu super paru in da imam takšne lepe fotke. Priznajte, da so – nisem hotela pokvarit svetlobe od sveč z bliskavico, tako da niso ravno čiste – ampak Tina z mojim delom in njenim čudovitim nasmehom jih naredi popolne.

Kakšne pol urce kasneje pa pride presenečenje… Prišla sta nazaj in Tilen je Tini kupil tale obroč kot pozno darilo za njuno obletnico! Tako da sem ga dejansko naredila zanjo! Ni čudno, da ga nisem mogla prej prodat.

Moram pa se še opravičit Tini, ker nisem prej uspela tega objavit. Ptujska noč je namreč bila že avgusta…. 

Also, dear readers, I want to let you know I managed to update my shop with two new gorgeous headbands today. One with black roses and one with blue ones. Also, there’s a sale going on in my shop so check out if you find anything that suites you 😉

Dragi bralci, vas pa moram še obvestit, da mi je uspelo posodobit trgovinico z dvema čudovitima novima obročema danes. Enim z črnimi vrtnicami in enim z modrimi. Prav tako pa imam nekaj izdelkov tudi na razprodaji, tako da poglejte, če najdete kaj, kar vam ugaja 😉

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Ko sem jaz vidla na sliki na fbu to puncu, sem si mislila, samo woow, najlepša punca z očali, kar sem jo kdarkoli v življenju videla ter takoj za tem, kako ji pristaja tvoj obroček (:

  2. Tilen in Tina? Rresno?:D Sem mogla prav dvakrat prebrat, najprej sem mislila, da ne vidim prav.:) Skratka, res je kot narejen zanjo, super ji paše! Moram pa omenit še, da ji tudi obleka paše kot ulita. S tako postavo bi mogoče morala premislit o tem, da bi večkrat stala pred kamero… Right??;)

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