“Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth, follow only beauty, and obey only love.” -Khalil Gibran

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Pozdrav! Danes sem bila tako neverjetno produktivna, da se samo sprašujem, kako je to pri meni mogoče. Skupaj sem spravila papirje za računovodstvo, naredila zelo okusno česnovo-čebulno juho, pofotkala nakit za 3 Ptice, šla na sprehod s psičkoma, zapravila uro ali celo več na internetu z branjem stvari, ki mi ne bojo nič koristile in se potem počutila res krivo, ampak sem se odločila, da si odpustim. In potem sem pospravila 5 miz (omg, zdaj imam prostor za delo!), ki so bile v totalni zmešnjavi ter pomila posodo. In zdaj sem še napisala objavo! Bravo jaz! ;D

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Hello guys! I have been so unbelievably productive today that I just wonder how’s that possible. I got together papers for my accountant, made a deliciuos garlic and onion soup, took pictures of jewelry for the shop, went to a walk with doggies, wasted an hour or even more on the internet reading stuff that will never benefit me and then I felt really guilty, but decided to forgive myself. And then I cleaned up five tables  (omg, now I have place to work!), that were in total mess and washed the dishes. And even wrote this post now! Bravo me! ;D

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(DIY krilo; vintage pulover; H&M pajkice; Cube čevlji) (DIY skirt; vintage jumper; H&M leggings; Cube shoes)

With Love,

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By Anita Puksic

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. super, bravo ti! taki produktivni dnevi znajo še bol napolnit človeka s pozitivno energijo 🙂 js sm s tud odločila da bom zdaj malo bolj produktivna :)) drži pesti, da mi rata! pošiljam poljubčke :*

  2. Kok zakon fotke!! Obožujem take stare dvorce 🙂 In čestitke za tako produktiven dan 😀 p.s. Ena ura na internetu ni veliko haha.

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