Joy of Life

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Pozdravljen, folk! Nisem ravno dobra blogerka zadnje čase bla bla bla…

01. Tele fotke so nastale, pred kakšnima dvema, tremi tedni. Pretegovanje zmaga. Psi in mačke vejo. Dosti vsega. Ko vidim svoja psička pretegovati se, rečem “Hvala za opomnik” in se še sama preeeetegnem.

02. Res uživam življenje zadnje čase! Mam tudi slabe ure, ampak je to nič proti slabim dnevom, ki sem jih imela pred Septembrom. Zdaj sem bolj disciplinirana z uravnavanjem svojega uma na pozitivno. In sem vztrajno hvaležna za to kar imam. Dober občutek!

03. Uživam v teh zasneženih dneh. Tako fajn je biti v topli hiši, delati kreativne in manj kreativne stvari, iti vsak dan po kosilu na sprehod v zimsko pravljico, piti vroč čaj…

04. Pred enim tednom sem se odločila, da še enkrat poskusim z etsyjem in zdaj prav uživam v tem. Čeprav še nisem imele prodaje tam (ampak čutim, da je že pred vrati). Tako v teh dneh počasi nalagam moje zaklade, se povezujem z ostalimi prodajalci, delim ljubezen, se učim… Res sem motivirana! (Aja, še vedno imam razprodajo tukaj, tako da pohitite, ker grejo stvari kot vroče žemljice (ehehehe :>, marketinški trik)).

05. Prav tako ponovno slikam na vrečke. Tokrat modrosti, ki so mi všeč. Nekaj predogledov nove kolekcije lahko vidite na instagramu. Ne pozabite me spremljat tam, saj veste, da hočete! 😉 Pravzaprav jaz hočem to 😀 Uresničite mi željo! Prosim! :prosečepasjeoči:

* * *

Hello folks! I’m not really a good blogger bla bla bla…

01. Those pictures were taken, I don’t know, two or three weeks ago. Stretching for the win. Dogs and cats knows. A lot. When I see my dogs streching I say “Thanks for the reminder” and do it myself. 

02. I really enjoy my life lately! I have bad hours too, but this is like nothing compared to bad days I used to have before last September. I am more disciplined now with setting my mind on the positive. And I keep being grateful for what I have. It feels good!

03. I enjoy this snowy days we have. It’s so good to be in the warm house, doing my creative and less creative things, going for a walk into wonderland everyday after lunch, drinking hot tea…

04. One week ago I decided to give etsy one more shot and now I really enjoy it. Even though I haven’t made a sale there yet (but I feel it’s gonna happen soon). So in these days I am slowly updating my shop, connecting with other sellers, sharing the love, learning… I am very motivated! 

05. I also paint on totes again. This time quotes I love. You can see some previews on my instagram. And make sure to follow me there, you know you want to! 😉  Actually I want this 😀 Make my wish come true! Please!  :needydogseyes:

(Vintage jopa, secondhand hlače; srajce je bila darilo; Cube čevlji) (Vintage cardigan; secondhand jeans; shirt was a gift; Cube shoes)

06. Foto filter sem naredila s svojimi lasmi. Kako pametna sem jaz! Vidite, da zgleda nekako srčkasto. Ne nalašč, a mi je všeč.

06. I made a photo filter with my hair. How smart am I? You see it’s kinda heart shaped? Not on purpose, but I like it.

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


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