To soboto prirejamo na Ptuju v Fürstovi hiši Dvoriščno razprodajo, Zelemenjavo in dražbo. (Ne)vljudno vabljeni na otvoritev sezone 2015! Vse,…
Tag: Življenje je lepo
Insight Tuesday: The Connection Between Attention and Shame
Image source If you are in business, you know you have to get people’s attention if you want them to…
Outfit post: Just secondhand and gifts
Just a quickie today. I feel happy, I feel good and I’m hungry so I’m gonna make myself a dinner,…
Cool People Wearing 3 Ptice: Maja Frankovic from Zagreb
OMG, this woman makes my blog so much more beautiful with her presence! So, I am ashamed to say that…
Book reviews: The Contagious Power of Thinking by David R. Hamilton & Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
So, those who know me well and those who don’t, all of them know I love books. I am a…
What’s going on?
Hello, people! Long time no hear! There’s been a lot going on lately in my life… I always say that.…
Nesramna samopromocija: Naj sosedova krava živi je razstavljena v galeriji!
Ja, res je! Ko mi je v glavi kliknilo, da pa morda lahko svoje delo dojemam kot umetnost, je prišlo…
An open letter to intellectuals
I was afraid to publish this post. I don’t know why. I was very inspired (how could I not…
Cool people wearing 3 Ptice: Maja,
Photo: Maja Švener, Proud announcement! One of the most successful slovenian female entrepreneur wears 3 Ptice tote bag with…
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” -Oprah Winfrey
Hello, birdies. Just a quickie today, as I had a long (but joyful) day and I long for shower, meditation…