“Writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all” – Charles Bukowski

Published Categorised as Collaborations, Outfits, Personal

Hello, people.

I’m not sure what to write about.

I have a little bit of a writer’s block. Or should I call it blogger’s block? Ah, writer’s block sounds better.

I’m not sure if I can provide you with any value at the moment.

An hour ago I said I’m gonna write. But first I had to make myself a cacao. And I was hungry again. So I sliced an apple + ate some dried pears. Now I feel like preparing some toast with that delicious spread with curry.

I gained few kilos in last few months. At first, I just thought I am a bit distended, but when I stepped on a scale I realised I have two kg extra. Now I’m feeling a bit afraid, that I’m gonna become one of those people who can’t just eat whatever they want whenever they want. Fuck.

But maybe I can calm down. It’s no wonder I gained weight. I was mostly at home and I cook good and I wasn’t moving much. But spring is coming and I already feel that urge to walk more, discover the nature. But still, maybe it’s time to put working out in my calendar? Hmm, not really calendar, I don’t feel like going to some group workouts. Not really my thing. Yet.

Here and there I used to be in a habit of little daily workout. Easy-peasy thing like some stretching, dancing, energy exercises (tai chi style). Just a little something for the awareness of my body. I would say to myself I’m gonna have a 10 minute exercise time and then I found myself almost an hour later still enjoying my body.

Oh my goodness, I have to do this now.

Back to writing, three hours later. One hour spent for exercising (stretching and dancing) and then two hours spent for watching music videos + watching beautiful girls on youtube and instagram.

It’s this stupid behavior I sometimes indulge in. Way too often. I mean, sometimes it can be fun, but watching others people perfect looking life instead of enjoying mine is just stupid.

Back in times, we had fashion magazines (I know they still exist, but I don’t remember when I bought the last one). And people were talking, how reading these magazines can damage your self-image. Yet we knew those were models, young girls in grown-up clothes, photoshopped and all, selling us an illusion.

I remember I didn’t care much about it. For fucks sake, I could eat whatever I wanted without getting fat. I just enjoyed beautiful images, feeling inspired afterward.

Now I compare myself. Look at her, she is 8 years younger than me and she is actually making money doing what she love, while I still try to figure it out, even though I know everything I should already know, I just don’t put it in practice, because I’m guilty of watching other people doing it.

I’m wearing: H&M dress that I bought 10+ years ago; Pompea tights; Tailly Weijl shoes (a few years old); secondhand shirt.

Years ago I used to think, that when I will be a few years older, I will be able to do some things. I felt like I was too young. Now I feel like I am too old already. Damn it.   A few years older than me are already getting botox and shit.

Oh, what I meant to say was, that in magazines we knew it’s an illusion. But all these girls on Instagram are real. They are not models, even though they could be. They are talented and hard working and they definitely have a keen eye for seeing what’s working and what’s not, what looks good and what’s not… They even have something to say, at least some of them, and that’s the reason I cannot hate on them.

Jeez, you know, I’m super confused. Maybe I indulge in this activities because I’m not sure exactly what I want.

It’s like I have shit loads of different personalities in me.

Richard Branson and some unnamed not famous hippie at the same time. On one side, I have all these ideas and I know they could work, there’s a market for them. On the other hand, please, just give me peace, I can grow my own food and enjoy nature, read books, think about deep questions and I just need enough to pay my bills, fuck millions.

I want everybody to love me and fuck you all, you don’t matter.

A part of me that is grown up and responsible. And part of me that is still afraid that people will make fun of me.

A part of me that says “You should post this, other people feel this way too”. And part of me that says “Don’t post this, unless you want people giving you advice. Which you know you don’t want.”

Haha, okay, now that I got this off my mind, I can get back to promoting my new product -> super eco-friendly pencil cases/toiletry pouches. Do check them out.

Ohh, another thing! I received these super duper tights from Pompea. One of the best products I received in the history of that blog. Which is not that many, but still! There is even a cute law of attraction story behind it. Back in December, I was freezing on art market one day. Another artist told me that she wears some special infrared tights. Some magical tights that return warmth from your body back to your body. Waaa, I want this. I was actually thinking, that it would be smart to write to a shop that sells them, maybe they would be up for a product-for-blog-post exchange. But of course, I forgot about it. And a few weeks ago one girl wrote to me on facebook, if I am willing to write a review for some tights. Yeah, of course, there’s never too many tights!

When I opened them, I saw these are those infrared tights! Woohoo!

They are from the Italian brand called Pompea.

Do they work? They do! The sensation on the skin feels different than from the other tights as soon as you put them on. When I wear nylon tights under the pants I sometimes feel like I’m more cold with them than without them… No such feeling with Pompea tights.

As you can see on the pictures, I wore them on a warm winter day. It was 10 degrees Celsius, yet I was surprised about it. It felt like 15. My legs didn’t feel cold at all. And I’m not one of those girls who would sacrifice health to look good (and yet I wear heels on these pictures -> eye rolling at myself). I just don’t understand people who show off their ankles in the winter time…

So, yes, these tights are ah-fucking-mazing. I feel sorry for myself I didn’t own them in the bloody cold January already… I want more of them. I hope I will make some extra money to buy a few extra pairs. I like to show off my legs 😀

Oh, that thing about anti-cellulite? I’m not sure if I can believe this. Well, it cannot hurt, for sure. But just feeling warmer makes me praise these tights. If I will loose a bit of cellulite, that’s a nice extra, though…

I totally recommend them. 10/10

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com

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