New York, New York

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lidia2525203252520ptice252520headpiece_thumb-2795384 Pred nekaj tedni sem dobila svoje drugo naročilo na Etsyju. Prodala sem tale obroč iz recikliranega filca. In bila zelo prijetno vznemirjena, ko sem videla, da je stranka (njeno ime je Lidia)  iz New Yorka (mislim, kdo ne obožuje NY?). Obenem pa sem čutila rahlo tesnobo, ker nisem vedela, če ji bo obroč v živo pravtako všeč. Tak občutek imam ponavadi, ko kaj prodam preko interneta. Kaj če bo kupec menil, da je moj izdelek boljše izgledal na fotografijah in bo razočaran? Hvala Bogu še se to ni zgodilo (ali pa mi niso povedali;). Moj dan je bil totalno polepšan, ko sem prejšnji teden prejela sporočilo od Lidie. Res je bilo fajn slišat, da ji je izdelek oz. vse skupaj všeč. Pustila mi je pa tudi mojo prvo vsem vidno povratno informacijo na Etsyju! Res sem bila hvaležna in še vedno sem. In kot da še to ne bi bilo dovolj super, mi je še napisala, da mi bo poslala slike, ko bo prvič nosila cvetlični obroč. In mi je res! Ženska je prava lepotica, se vam ne zdi? Prva fotka mi je tako zelo všeč! Mimogrede, na njenem instagramu sem ugotovila, da je včasih bila model. Sploh nisem bila presenečena 😉 Zaradi tega sem res hvaležna, da živim v tem obdobju. Mislim internet in vse to. A ni čudovito, da lahko punca iz male vasi v Sloveniji, proda svoj izdelek nekomu v veliko mesto na drugi strani planeta? Plus, vsa ta pozitivna čustva, ki pridejo s takšnimi prijaznimi strankami, poplačajo vse negativne strani dela na svojem. * * * Few weeks ago I got my second order on Etsy. I sold this flower headband made of upcycled felt. I was very excited when I saw that buyer (her name is Lidia) is from New York (I mean, who doesn’t love NY?). I was also a little anxious, because I wasn’t sure if she’ll still like it so much when she will receive it. I always have this feeling, when selling on the internet, what if a buyer will think, that my item looked better on the pictures and they’ll be dissaponted? Thanks God, it didn’t happened yet (or they haven’t told me;). It totally made my day last week when I received a message from Lidia. It was so nice to hear back from her, she was happy with the headpiece and with my service. And she also left me my first feedback on my Etsy store. I was so grateful and I still am. As if that wasn’t great enough, she also said that she will send me pictures when she will wear it for the first time. And she did! She is so beautiful, don’t you think? I love the first picture so much! Btw, she was a model, I found that out at her profile on instagram. I wasn’t surprised at all 😉 That makes me really thankful about the era I live in. I mean internet and all that. Isn’t it amazing that a girl from little village in Slovenia, can sell her work to someone in the big city on the other side of the planet? Plus all that positive emotions that comes with such kind customers makes all the downsides of owning a small bussines totally worth it. lidia252520outfit_thumb-4689283lidia_thumb-8316234

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Najprej toooo, bravo Anita :)! Obroč je res zelo lep, punca pa tudi. Se strinjam – ta zdajšnja tehnologija je zakon, toliko stvari nam omogoča če jo znamo prav uporabljat.


  2. Wow cestitke Anita, res sem z uzitkom prebrala tale post.. Upam da ti je Lidia dala samo se dodaten zagon in motivacijo! Obrocek je cudovit in res ga lepo nosi!

  3. O, super. Sedaj vem, da ena fajn punca ne živi le v eni mali vasi nekje na vzhodu slovenije, ampak da je ena taka tudi v NY. Navijam za obe.

  4. Anita svetovno (: Čestitam ti.! To ni kar tako, zato želim še več tujih kupcev in uspehov pri tem. In hvala za prečudovit zadnji komentar polepšala si mi večer (:

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