“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.” – Kurt Vonnegut

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Zafrustrirana sem. Toliko stvari hočem in moram naredit. Želim pisati objave za blog, želim komentirati na drugih blogih, svoje izdelke moram dat na etsy, skuhat moram kosilo, hočem delat nove izdelke, ker imam toliko idej, morala bi pisat trgovinam, ki prodajajo unikatne zadevščine, če bi želeli prodajat moje stvari, naša bajta je nujno potrebna čiščenja, hočem EFT-at in brat knjige, želim naredit nekaj daril, oblačila, ki jih ne nosim dovolj, hočem dat na moj butik, morala bi si organizirat papirje, hočem posvetit svoj čas ljudem, ki jih imam rada, morala bi promovirat svoje izdelke, rada bi si vzela čas za meditacijo in napisala stvari, za katere sem hvaležna, hočem izboljšati svojo angleščino…

Frustrira me, da nimam dovolj denarja za položnice. Strah me je, da bom ostala brez internetne povezave. Slabo se počutim, ker ne prodam več izdelkov, čeprav vanje vložim svoje srce in dušo.

Zafrustrirana sem, ker ure kar letijo in sploh ne vem, če se premikam naprej… Frustrira me, ker toliko delam, a ne dobim nagrade, ki si jo zaslužim. Ahhhh. Kurc gleda, kurc gleda, kurc gleda, kurc gleda, kurc gleda.

Dobro, mislim, da se bom zdaj začela smejat mojim problem, kot da sem zmešana.

* * *

I am frustrated. There’s is so many things I want to do and that I have to do. I wanna write posts for my blog, I want to comment on others people blogs, I have to put stuff that I make on etsy, I must make lunch, I want to make new things, as I have so many ideas, I should write to the stores that sells handmade if they want to sell my stuff, our house is really in a need of cleaning, I want to do some EFT and read books, I wanna make some gifts, I wanna put clothes I don’t wear enough on that slovenian page where you can sell secondhand, I should organize my papers, I wanna give my time to the people I love, I should promote stuff I make, I wanna take time for meditation and write down things I am grateful for, I wanna improve my English…

I am frustrated, because I don’t have enough money to pay my bills. I am afraid that I’ll stay without internet connection. I feel bad, because I don’t make more sales, even though I put my heart and my soul to my creations. 

I am frustrated, because hours just fly away and I don’t know if I am even moving forward… I am frustrated, ‘cause I work so much, but don’t get a reward I deserve. Ahhhh. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it. 

Okay, I think I am just gonna laugh at my problems like a crazy person now.


(DIY verižica; vintage suknjič; Fabiani pajkice; secondhand majica; čevlji – darilo) (DIY necklace; vintage blazer; Fabiani leggings; secondhand top; shoes – gift)

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. oh ja, večni problemi malega človeka. se trudiš in garaš in vlagaš pa nič ne dobiš nazaj. upam, da se čim prej spremeni na bolje :*

    btw noro dobri čeveljci!

    1. Včasih pride kakšen tak fleš ja… Meni pomaga če si vzamem v takih trenutkih 1 frej dan in se prepustim tej "apatiji". Pol pa na novo zagrabim! 🙂


  2. vse bo ok! vse ob svojem času, mislim pa, da se te dni prav vsi tko počutimo. Jaz verjamm v tvoj uspeh, ker se vidi da ga res delaš s srcem. Kako ti po tem nebi uspelo? =)*

  3. Sploh nemorem verjet velika večina bloggerk je zdaj v takem moodu: ti, Katja, Maja in jaz. Pa najbrž še katera. Ampak prišli bodo boljši časi in vse se bo uredilo. Za vsakih snegom, dežjem, neurjem posije sonce. Vsakim! In takrat se bomo nastavljale sončku in se smejale brez razloga.
    Anita ta outfit je eden tvojih meni najlepših. Super si!

  4. Mislim, da gre za nekakšno kolektivno stanje: nimamo denarja, ni nam najbolj jasno, kakšna bo naša prihodnost in potem nas vsake toliko malo stisne – nič hudega. Itak smo večino časa pogumni in dobre volje, tako da taki trenutki šibkosti niso nič napačnega.

    Pa srečno.

  5. Pa ti je uspelo, da si še meni polepšala dan! Hvala ti, res. Sem dobila motivacijo, da se končno lotim tudi fb profila Coprnij – ko bo, te pa vsekakor obvestim. Pa tudi k tebi pridem še kdaj;)

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