Spodaj se nahajajo slikovna navodila za ptičjo hišico, ki sem jo naredila pred nekaj tedni. Bilo je nedeljsko dopoldne, z mamo sva kuhali kosilo, zunaj pa je na debelo snežilo. In takrat sem pomislila na ptičke. Vprašala sem babico, če jim je nastavila hrano, saj se na to ponavadi spomni ona. No, tokrat se ni. Ker nimamo nobene ptičje hišice, sem šla gledat po prostorih z razno kramo iz česa bi lahko na hitro naredila krmilnico. In ko sem zagledala kovinski valj od Mobitela, sem vedela, da je to to. Potem so prišli v glavo še obešalniki in čez 5 minut v katerih se je ogrela pištola za vroče lepilo, je bila hišica že narejena. Sedaj so noter nastavljena sončnična semena (v Sparu dobite kg teh za en 1€) ter zmleta koruza. Ponavadi gre en vrabček noter in razmeče semena na tla prijateljem, tako da lahko malica cela jata naenkrat.
You can see bellow a tutorial in pictures for a bird feeder, that I made few weeks ago. It was a Sunday morning, I and mum were preparing a lunch and outside was snowing a lot. And then I thought of birds. I asked grandma, if she had gave them food, as usually she does that. But this time she didn’t. Because we hadn’t had a bird house yet, I started to check places with old stuff in and around the house. When I saw this metallic tube, I knew this was it. Then wire hangers popped in my mind and the feeder was made 5 minutes later (it takes that long for a hot glue gun to get on working temperature). Now the birds have ground corn and sunflower seeds in their minimalistic bird feeder. Usually one bird gets in and throws seeds on the floor, so that whole flock can eat at the same time.
kako si se dobr spomnla! lepo, da nekdo tudi za ptičke skrbi 🙂 xx
Ful zanimivo 🙂