Fashion blogger meet up

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V sredo sem se udeležila Flash blogger meet up, prvega slovenskega srečanja modnih blogerjev. Dogodek se je odvijal v baru Fetiche ob Ljubljanici. Vse pohvale Nini Štajner in ostali Flash ekipi za izvedbo dogodka! Super je bilo dekleta in fanta ali dva, ki jih poznam preko blogov, spoznati v živo. Ne vem, če sem že bila kdaj v prostoru, kjer so vsi tako lepo oblečeni in obuti, seveda. Osebki brez petk smo bili v manjšini, heh. Fotografirala nisem kaj dosti in še to kar sem, niso ravno najboljše fotke, tako da objavljam samo štiri. Več fotk pa najdete na Running in my heels, Oblačilnica in Fensišmensi. Dobili smo tudi darilne vrečke z Flashevim nakupovalnim vodnikom, testerčki parfumov in Dior Rouge šminko (!). Zastonj smo lahko vzeli tudi Flash revije. Seveda sem si eno vzela, a sem neumna jaz, nekje v Ljubljani, na poti od Križank do Metelkove, ko smo se z družbo ustavili, odložila težko vrečko in jo pozabila. Ko sem ugotovila, da mi nekaj manjka, smo bili verjetno že več kot km naprej in nihče ni hotel z mano nazaj po njo. Vsaj šminke nisem pustila v vrečki, ker sem si jo že prej shranila v torbico, yeah! Samo upam, da je vrečko z revijo, nakupovalnim vodnikom in parfumčki našlo kakšno dekle, ki se je je razveselilo. dsc03244_thumb-9500288All around Eve On Wednesday I attended Flash blogger meet up, the first fashion bloggers meet up in Slovenia. It was really great to meet the girls and boy or two I know through blogs in live. I didn’t take a lot of pictures and most of them aren’t really good, so I’ll post just four pictures here. For more pics click on Running in my heels, Oblačilnica and Fensišmensi. We also got a gift bags with Flash shopping guide, perfum testers and Dior Rouge lipstick (!). We could also take Flash magazines for free. Of course I took one, but stupid me, I forgot the gift bag somewhere in Ljubljana. When I figured out that I miss something, no one in the company I was with, didn’t wanna go back with me. At least I didn’t left the lipstick in the gift bag, because I gave it in my bag, yeah. So, I just hope that some girl found the bag with magazine, shopping guide and perfum testers and that she was happy about it. dsc03246_thumb25255b125255d-3913226   dsc03247_thumb25255b125255d-1462641 Carolina Krews and Mancinas styling spot dsc03251_thumb-8497170 XOXO Parisky and Shoes. Clothes. Make up YES that’s me!

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Joj, tko mi je žal, da nisem uspela prist. 🙁 Res sem nameravala in sem se že veselila, vse je šlo lepo po planih, v Ljubljano sem prišla, ampak se mi je na koncu dogodek križal s prijateljičinim žurom za rojstni dan in je bla tako vesela, da sem uspela prist, da sem se odločla, da pač ne grem na Meet Up. :/
    Ampak na naslednjega pa res pridem, obvezno, definitivno…res bi vas rada spoznala vse. Joj, prav malo hudo mi je. 🙂

    No, ampak važno, da ste se vi meli kul, to pa vidim! 😉 (Kar me še manj tolaži. :D)

  2. Kak ti je lahko prijateljica več kot mi?! Hecam se, hecam se 😀 No, jaz bi nas na tvojem mestu vseeno prišla pogledat, pa bi šla pol dalje na žur, ampak okay, ne bomo zdaj zamerljivi 😀 Se pa naslednjič vidimo! (:

  3. Js tudi pridem na naslednjega!it'a s must…tokrat mi je žal izpit narobe hodil ampak kaj čmo. Gledam po drugih blogih in vidim da ste se imele super 😀

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