Today I bought the fabric shaver for 10€. It cost 16€ at first, but it has a little mistake so I got it for 10. Great, isn’t?
On the left is before, on the right is after :
And there are two of this week’s outfits:
(Vintage colourful blouse and yellow tee; Tally Weijl green shirt and jeans; I got beret from my classmate [Thanks!] and is from New Yorker; Ali Star shoes]
(New Yorker beret and black tee; Tally Weijl gray shirt; unknown scarf; C&A belt; Oviesse pants; Alis Star shoes)
And there’ is my Love, Jure. I gotta say THANKS to him because he loves me even on my black, totally depressive days, when I hate myself, when I reach the bottom, when I’m exaggerating and crying crying crying… THANK YOU!
Kje to prodajajo? Ker mam en kup jopic od lani al ap od letos zgodi jeseni, ki so že čist scufane in nevem ka nej, ker so mi grde…
Tale 'brivnik' zgleda super! Pa čist si kjut, všeč mi je tvoja barva las.
xoxo 😉
Jaz sem kupla na Ptuju v eni super trgovini s šiviljskim materialom. Poglej malo v trgovinah te sorte (:
@SB: Hvala! ((:
Ja, tudi je super, čist sem navdušena, ker sem si ga že dolgo želela, pa se mi ga nikoli ni dalo iskat po trgovinah, ker me je blo strah, da mi bo vzelo preveč časa, pol pa ga danes v prvi trgovini najdem. Včasih so stvari tak enostavne ko se jih le lotiš 😀
Fabric shaver?? Cool..
I didnt know this stuff exists! 😀
I love the colourful blouse you worn in your post.. they are very vintage 🙂 I can see lotsa styles derived out of it!
Woooow. Jaz tudi nisem vedela, da ta stvar obstaja. Ö Ampak letim ob prvi šansi počekirat, če se tudi pri nas kej najde. Ü
Aja oba outfita sta fenomenalna, kot vedno. Sploh hlače. Ü
amazing blouse!
Ej pa ti si genij 🙂 – mi smo mel tole doma in sploh ni šlo nč stran, k vrjetn nismo znal uporablat.
A ne, kolk smo bejbe včasih teček 🙂 je tud men učas kr bet, pa bi se kr zahvall svojmu Fantiču.
I've always wondered if those fabric shavers work. Definitely getting one now!
I like your outfits
Wanting me to buy a fabric share, huh!
Sweetie, it's always nice to see you in colorful outfit.
Have a great weekend!
OOOOO cute!!! Your hat from your first outfit matches your boyfriends sweater 🙂 You look so happy and cute.
waw! ta brivnik pa je zakon! jst mam kr ene par stvari k jih zard tega ne nosm glih veliko! morm jt v akcijo! hvala za info, beba!
Take care<3
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