4 outfits

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1.:dsc03693_thumb5b15d-4493117dsc03702_thumb5b15d-6924058 dsc03706_thumb-5086160dsc03703_thumb-8895126 (Klobuk in nogavice H&M; jeans Passiontex; broška Takko; šal DIY; oblekca Zara) (H&M hat and socks; Passiontex jeans; Takko brooch; DIY scarf; Zara dress) 2.:dsc03719_thumb5b25d-3886151dsc03726_thumb5b15d-8368270dsc03728_thumb-9244050dsc03724_thumb-1755157 dsc03730_thumb5b15d-9780047(Srajca vintage; verižico mi je naredila prijateljica; čevlji Ali Star; vse ostalo H&M) (Vintage shirt; necklace made by friend; Ali Star shoes; everything else H&M) 3.:  dsc03834_thumb5b155d-8647780dsc03840_thumb5b15d-4684738dsc03830_thumb5b15d-7875962 dsc03819_thumb5b15d-3337621 (Ruto mi je podarila babica, blazer pa soseda; siva majica H&M; jeans Oviesse; čevlji Graceland) (Scarf is grandma’s gift, blazer is neighbour’s gift; H&M gray tee; Oviess jeans; Graceland shoes) 4.: dsc03859_thumb5b25d-9752769dsc03861_thumb-5286085dsc03864_thumb-6169746 dsc03877_thumb5b15d-1453667 (Jopa Zara; siva majica in oblekca H&M; ruto mi je podarila babica; jeans Oviesse; škornji Skechers) (Zara blue cardigan; H&M gray shirt and dress; scarf is grandma’s gift; Oviesse jeans; Skechers boots) Dovolj! Enough!

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. Vse so mi všeč, v prvo sm pa prav zagledana 🙂 Ti si dokaz, da je za oblačenje potrebna predvsem domišljija in ne €€€!

  2. Anonimna, ej, hvala ti res, super kompliment, me je prav ogrelo pri srcu! Pa res zelo malo evričev zapravim za oblačila, mislim da sem do zdaj v 2010 samo 30€, za plašč.

    Ziher še se bom x-krat spomnila na tvoj komentar! (:


  3. Slučajno sem naletela na tvoj blog. Moram reči, da imaš (kar sem uspela ugotoviti po nekaj minutah branja in ogledovanja slikc) izjemno domišljijo in smisel za vse, kar te obdaja. Vsi objavljeni outfit-i izžarevajo nekaj posebnega, nekaj kar na ljudeh redko opaziš. Morda je kriva tvoja simpatičnost, iz fotografij namreč kar "seka" neka pozitivna energija. (:
    Nekje sem zasledila tvoj komentar, mislim da glede čevljev in da te ljudje zaradi njih pogosto obrekujejo – NE sekiraj se… Ljudje največkrat obrekujejo takrat, ko so ljubosumni. (: Ostani zvesta sama sebi, saj ti to izjeeemno pristaja, poleg tega pa še navdihuješ random bralce tvojega bloga (:

    lp, definitivno še zaidem na to stran (:

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