DIY tutorial: How to make fabric masking tape with supplies you have at home

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Super način kako reciklirati staro blago, ki ga več ne potrebujete je, da ga spremenite v lepilni trak. Sama sem za ta DIY projekt ponovno uporabila kos vintage blaga, ki je še nedolgo tega bil zavesa na enem majhnem okencu v babičini hiši. Za njeno okno sem zašila novo zaveso, tega pisanega kosa s kul oldskul vibeom pa seveda nisem hotela zavreči (moja mama je že skoraj grdo gledala), tako da sem se odločila, da ga bom spremenila v selotejp. Pravtako mi je že skoraj čist zmanjkalo selotejpkov iz blaga, ki sem jih naredila pred par leti (navdihnjena od te objave na pepermintu), tako da je bil ravno pravi čas za novo zalogico. The great way to recycle old fabric you no longer need is to make a fun colourful masking tape out of it. I recycled the piece of vintage fabric that was not so long ago a curtain in one small window in grandma’s house. I sew a new curtain for her window, but didn’t want to throw away this colourful piece with such a cool oldschool vibe, so I decided to make a tape out of it. And I almost run off DIY fabric masking tape I did few years ago (inspired by the post on pepermint), so it was just the right time to make a new one. lsfbyanita2525201675_thumb-3215716 Kaj boste potrebovali: peki papir, pleskarski selotejp, kos blaga, univerzalno lepilo, škarje in časopisni papir za zaščito mize What you’ll need: baking paper, masking tape, fabric, universal glue, wide brush, sciscors and newspaper to protect your table. lsfbyanita2525201676_thumb-1765883 1. Daj list časopisnega papirja na mizo, za vsak slučaj. Ureži kos peki papirja v zaželjeni velikosti in ga pritrdi v kotih s selotejpom, da bo ostal na mestu. Potem začni počasi nanj nanašat lepilni trak, vrstico za vrstico. Pusti kakšen mm prostora med vrsticami. 1. Put a sheet of newspaper on the table just in case. Cut a piece of baking paper in the preferable size and fix it with some tape in the edges so it will stay in the place. Then slowly start to stick the masking tape on it, row by row. Leave about 1 mm of free space between rows. lsfbyanita2525201679_thumb-9877813 2. Daj lepilo na to površino 2. Put a glue on that surface lsfbyanita2525201680_thumb-4263917 3. In ga razmaži s čopičem. (Po naslednjem koraku hitro operi čopič, da bo še naprej primeren za uporabo.) 3. Then spread it with a brush. (Make sure to wash the brush after the next step, so you still could use it.)  lsfbyanita2525201681_thumb-4691955 4. Sedaj položi gor blago (polikaj ga že pred začetkom tega ‘naredi si sam’ projekta) in ga malo poravnaj. Pusti, da se kakšno urco suši. 4. Now you put on your fabric (make sure you iron it before you begin with the project) and align it a little. Let it dry for an hour or so. lsfbyanita2525201683_thumb-9101759 5. In potem zadevo nareži na trakove. 5. Then cut it on the straps. lsfbyanita2525201684_thumb-4976806  6. In to je to. Uporabi svoj DIY selotejp za lepljenje sličic v svojo knjigo željo, za pritrjevanje postrov oz. fotografij na steno, za zavijanje darilc in še kaj, kar ti pade na pamet (za seksualne igrice na primer. Hec HeC HEC!). Namig: Izreži ven različne oblike. 6. And that’s it. Use it for scrapbooking, sticking posters or pictures on your wall, for gift wrapping and much more (for sexual games, for instance. Joke JokE JOKE!). Tip: You can cut different shapes out of it.

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


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