Ko me je Juretova babica videla v teh oblačilih je rekla: “Vsaj enkrat si malo boljše oblečena. Ni mi všeč,…
Author: Anita Pukšič Koren
Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them.
As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.
“The healthiest response to life is joy.” (Deepak Chopra)
-Zgleda, da imam trdno razmerje z modro barvo. – Zgubljam svojo umetnost, ker se zgubljam v umetnosti drugih- – “Time…
“It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis.” (Margaret Bonnano)
(H&M pajkice in majca; blazer iz druge roke; torbica darilo prijateljice; Ali Star čevlji) (H&M leggings and tee; secondhand…
I see your blue colour and 7 things about me
Od čudovite Wendy, ki ima blog black.coffee.crumbs_ sem dobila ‘7 stvari o meni’ nagrado. Sedaj že kakšen teden razmišljam kaj…
“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” (Lao Tzu)
Fotke od nedelje. To je bil en lenobni dan. Z Juretom sva ure ležala na zelenici za njihovo hišo, vmes…
"Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy. To be alive means to have a sense of humor." (Osho)
Fotografiji (s self-timerjem) moje sredine oblačilne oprave. Strmim v monitor in ne vem ali naj nadaljujem s pisanjem ali naj…
“God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man.” (Arthur Young)
Sredina tedna je in jaz sem srečna, ker sem srečna. Zbudilo me je sonce. Pred spanjem si sploh nisem…
Wearing a necktie as a belt
Moja ljuba prijateljica Tina nosi kravato kot pas. Drugačno. Zabavno. Kul. My dear friend Tina is wearing a necktie as…
“…I forgot what to do to fit the mould…”
Tale pesem od Jessie J mi je najljubša zadnje čase. Ko sem jo prvič slišala sem jokala zraven. Jokala sem…
Ping-pong in my head..
Včasih se izgubljam v samoobtoževanju, ker toliko časa po neumnem zapravim. Vem, da mi samoobtoževanje ne pomaga kaj prida, saj…