“God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man.” (Arthur Young)

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  Sredina tedna je in jaz sem srečna, ker sem srečna. Zbudilo me je sonce. Pred spanjem si sploh nisem naredila budilke in bila sem precej utrujena, tako da sem pričakovala, da ne bom mogla zgodaj vstat, ampak sem. (7.40 je zgodaj zame :D) Te dneve sem hvaležna za zdravnike in zdravstveno osebje. V nedeljo in ponedeljek sem bila z dedkom v zdravstvenem domu, saj je imel manjšo nesrečo, včeraj pa sem imela zobozdravnika. Res občudujem in spoštujem te ljudi, saj imajo takšno odgovornost (ki je jaz verjetno ne bi prenesla), gledati morajo ogabne stvari, poskrbeti morajo za veliko ljudi in ob vsem tem jim uspe, da so prijazni in potrpežljivi. Spoštovanje! Pravtako sem hvaležna za pomlad. Tako lepo je opazovati, kako stvari rastejo in se razcvetajo. Čeprav nisem prepričana ali sem vesela, da trava okrog hiše postaja vse večja. Upam, da mi jo bo letos uspelo kositi z več ljubezni in potrpežljivosti, kot mi jo je prejšnja leta. Hvaležna sem tudi za Evo. Tako dobre poste piše. Morate si prebrati: Do fashion bloggers care about anything else but clothes?   vintage20dress20and20scarf3b20h26m20bag20and20leggings3b20graceland20shoes202028929_thumb-2480903Tole sem imela oblečeno v soboto | | This is what I wore on Saturday   It’s a middle of the week and I’m happy because I’m happy. The sun woke me up. I haven’t made an alarm when I went sleep and I was pretty tired so I supposed I wouldn’t wake up early, but I did. (7.40 is a kind of early for me :D) These days I’m grateful for the doctors and health personnel. On Sunday and at Monday was I in health center with granpa because he had a little accident and yesterday I had dentist. I really admire and respect these people, because they have such responsibility (which I probably couldn’t handle), they got to look at disgusting things, they must take care of so many people and they still manage to be kind and patient. Respect! I’m also grateful for the spring. It’s so nice watching how everything grows and blooms. Even though I’m not quite sure, if I’m happy that lawn around the house is getting bigger. I hope I could mowe it this year with more love and patience than I did years before. I’m also grateful for the Eva. She writes such good posts. You gotta read: Do fashion bloggers care about anything else but clothes? vintage20dress20and20scarf3b20h26m20bag20and20leggings3b20graceland20shoes2020281029_thumb-7904240vintage20dress20and20scarf3b20h26m20bag20and20leggings3b20graceland20shoes2020281229_thumb-6120557(Vintage oblekca in ruta; H&M torbica in pajkice; Graceland čevlji) (Vintage dress and scarf; H&M bag and leggings; Graceland shoes) vintage20dress20and20scarf3b20h26m20bag20and20leggings3b20graceland20shoes202028129_thumb-3646627

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. Mene tudi preseneti to, da še obstaja zdravstveno osebje, ki se ti posveti bolj osebno in se dejansko zanima za tvoje počutje. Sem pa tudi danes začutila pomlad, to pomeni da sem končno dojela, da je tu.:) In res je krasno opazovat stvari, ki rastejo, ker vedno se vse samo vrti okrog padanja in izginjanja. Najlepše pa je jutranje poslušanje ptičjega petja.

  2. O! Hvala za pohvalo 🙂
    Tudi meni je ta teden super, ker sem končno dočakala, da lahko nosim spomladanska oblačila. Saj je bilo že prej par dni toplo, ampak potem je bil spet dež. Zdaj pa upam, da gre zares!

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