“A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work.” – John Lubbock

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Hello fellas! A new working week is here and it’s time to see that life is beautiful no matter the circumstances we are in. The sky is blue with gorgeous puffy clouds and the nature is all in happy green tones for us! We have air full of oxygen to breath and power in our hearts which makes world even more awesome place to live in!

That’s exactly how I feel today and I hope you will get infected by my mood too. I of course have a lot of things I could worry about, but I decided not to. What help does worry brings in? None. Okay, maybe it helps get you aware of the things in life that could be improved.

Check. Thank you worry for this gift, now you can let go and give your place to ideas and actions that will improve my situation.

And I’ll improve my life with enjoying the journey, knowing that I’ll reach the destination sooner or later. I am ready for the next step and I do it with grace!

There are some steps I cannot make yet, but I’m coming there with steps I can make here and now. There are things I cannot do yet, because I don’t yet have all the resources, but there are many things I can do with what I have here and now. And I can make those and give them out to the world and I believe that from 7 billions people in the world I can with some help of the Universe attract the right ones to me! Because definetely there are many many awesome wholehearted people out there that would enjoy what I have to offer and I am excited to meet them! And I will happily say yes to our energy exchange! YES!

So, steps I took already? I updated 3 Ptice shop with some new eco friendly goodies created by my hands (which grow from my heart), I wrote this post and now I am of to enjoy the other steps towards my destination and I will feel perfect and whole, because I am perfect and whole because I exist, just like everything else in the nature!

Oh, and happy Earth day, fellas! Use code ‘3PTICEEARTHDAY’ to get a free worldwide shipping on all orders of eco friendly goodies over $20 at 3 Ptice shop on Etsy! I can’t wait to see you there!
Stay awesome and let your light shine!

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Pozdravljeni! Nov delovni teden je tukaj in čas je, da ugledamo, da je življenje čudovito ne glede na okoliščine  v katerih smo. Nebo je modro in posejano s puhastimi belimi oblaki, narava pa je cela v srečnih zelenih odtenkih za nas! V zraku imamo obilje kisika in v srcih moč, ki dela ta svet še bolj čudovit!

Točno tako se počutim danes in upam, da se boste tudi vi nalezli mojega razpoloženja. Seveda imam dovolj stvari, zaradi katerih se lahko sekiram, ampak sem se odločila, da se ne bom. Kaj mi sekirancija pomaga? Nič. No, morda z njeno pomočjo ozavestim stvari v življenju, ki jih lahko izboljšam. 

Narejeno. Hvala skrbi za tole darilo, sedaj pa lahko greste in prepustite prostor idejam in delovanju, ki bo izboljšalo mojo situacijo. 

In življenje si bom izboljšala z uživanjem na poti, vedoč, da bom slej ko prej dosegla cilj. Pripravljena sem na naslednji korak in naredila ga bom odločno in radostno. 

Seveda obstajajo koraki, ki še jih ne morem narediti, ampak se mi bližajo z delanjem korakov, ki jih lahko naredim tukaj in zdaj. Obstajajo stvari, ki še jih ne morem narediti, ker še nimam vsega potrebnega, ampak obstaja mnogo stvari, ki jih lahko naredim s tem kar imam tukaj in zdaj. In te stvari lahko naredim ter jih dam svetu in verjamem, da lahko med sedmimi milijardami ljudi na svetu k sebi z malo pomoči Vesolja pritegnem pritegnem prave. Ker je gotovo na svetu ogromno širokosrčnih ljudi, ki bodo uživali v mojih darovih in z radostno vznemirjenostjo čakam, da jih spoznam! In z veseljem bom rekla ja naši energijski izmenjavi! JA!

Koraki, ki sem jih že naredila? 3ptice.com sem posodobila z novimi okolju prijaznimi dobrotami izpod mojih rok (ki rastejo od mojega srca), napisala sem tole objavo, zdaj pa grem uživat v novih korakih proti cilju in zraven se bom počutila popolno in celostno, ker sem popolna in celostna zato, ker obstajam! Kot vse ostalo v naravi! 

Aja, srečen dan Zemlje vsem Zemljanom! 3 Ptice vam danes častijo poštnino pri nakupu nad 18€ tudi pri plačilu po povzetju! Se vidimo! 

Ostanite čudoviti in pustite, da vaša luč sije na veliko! 

P.S.: Pred tednom in pol je izšel nov izvod 3 Ptice Navdihovalnice (april 2014), v katerem je govora o popolnosti, čaka vas čudovita grafika, ki jo lahko takoj natisnite in daste na steno, da vas bo navdihovala in spominjala na vašo vrednost, mandala, pri barvanju katere se lahko sprostite (ter si z njo potem polepšate delovni prostor) in navodila za prav poseben hranilnik, s katerim si boste lahko hitreje izpolnili kakšno od svojih želja. Kaj še čakate, hitro srečko kupit! Pardon, hitro se na Navdihovalnico naročit!  😉 

Za tiste, ki še niste slišali za 3 Ptice Navdihovalnico – tukaj je celotno ozadje nastanka, v tem zavihku pa si lahko izberete način plačila in dostave ter ogledate seznam čudovitih naročnikov.


Blowing kisses to the sun | | Poljub soncu

dsc0942825255b325255d-3703027 (Vintage top and cardigan; DIYed vintage jeans shorts; secondhand tights; Deichmann shoes, secondhand earrings) (Vintage majica in jopa; DIY vintage kratke hlače; secondhand hlačne nogavice, Deichmann čevlji, secondhand uhani)

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. Ah, prav polepšala si mi dan! 🙂 je res, da se s sekirancijo prav nikamor ne pride, prejšnji teden sem ogromno časa porabila za to, da sem se čisto preveč sekirala, in na koncu nisem naredila nič. Hvala za ta post in lepe besede, super si! p.s.: pa še odlično izgledaš na slikah <3 <3 Objem, Andreja

    1. Aaa, hvala ti! Močan objem! <3 Ti si tudi super, saj veš!
      Hehe, jaz sem tudi imela prejšnji teden čist sekirantski pa mi ni nič kaj koristilo. Tak da kurc gleda sekiranje. Če se spustim vase in poiščem svoje bistvo, vidim, da se lahko dobro počutim ne glede na okoliščine.
      Samo ne smeva ponovno pozabit na to 😉

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