“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” – Audrey Hepburn

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Ponavadi ne govorim o tem, kaj imam na sebi, ampak tokrat se mi zdi, da si oblačilna oprava zasluži tudi nekaj pozornosti v pisani besedi.
Karirasta srajca – dobila sem jo kot božično darilo od fantove mame. Izbral jo je pravzaprav on in to res dobro, saj mi je zelo všeč in jo tudi veliko nosim. Je eden teh kosov, ki ga dam nase, kadar ne planiram outfita, kadar v naglici hitro nekaj zgrabim, in kadar ga planiram, kot tokrat.
O kavbojskem brezrokavniku si lahko preberete tukaj.
Pajkice – kupila sem jih pred dvema tednoma za samo 2€. Malo mi je žal, da jih nisem kupila v večih barvah, tista trgovina pa je zdaj zaprta (zato so tudi bile tako poceni), tako da bom mogla živeti s tem, lol.
Torbica – moja vsakdanja. Kupila sem jo pred enim letom in je zdaj že kar znucana, tako da razmišljam, da bi jo zamenjala (čeprav ne vem, če je to dober razlog, glede na to, da ji drugače nič ne manjka), in zato občasno pogledam po trgovinah, če je kje kakšna dobra za zelo nizko ceno.
Čevlji – kupila sem jih pred skoraj tremi leti ter pol in so najboljši nakup čevljev do zdaj. Še vedno so v dobrem stanju, čeprav jih nosim že četrto zimo, kar dosti hodim in nisem ravno dobra v skrbi za čevlje.
Ah, še frizura! Tale zoknasta figa je eden izmed trendov, ki so mi res všeč in zdi se mi, da mi res paše.

Danes sem pravzaprav mislila napisat 6 dejstev o meni, toda prej sem želela reči par besed o outfitu, zdaj pa je že čez polnoč, tako da pride to na vrsto v naslednji objavi ali naslednji teden.

* * *

I usually don’t talk about my outfits, but this time I feel like it deserves some attention in written words too.
The checked shirt – I got it as a X-mas gift from boyfriend’s mum. It was chosen by boyfriend actually, and he did a great job ‘cause I really love it and I wear it a lot. It’s one of those pieces that I wear when I don’t plan an outfit, when I just have to grab something quick and I also wear it when I do plan, like this time. 
You can read about the jeans vest here. 
Leggings – I bought them two weeks ago for 2€ only! I am kinda sorry for myself, ‘cause I didn’t get them in more colours, but that store is closed now (that’s why they were so cheap), so I’ll have to live with it, lol. 
Bag – it’s my everyday bag. I bought it one year ago, but now it’s kinda worn out and I think about replacing it (not totally sure if that’s a good reason as it’s just fine otherwise), so I check the stores from time to time, if there’s any cool bag for a very low price. 
And shoes – I bought them like 3 years and half ago for 30€ and that was the best shoes purchase so far. They are still in good condition, even though I wear them 4th winter now and I walk quite a lot and I don’t really take care of my shoes. 
Oh, and a hairdo! That sock bun is one of the trends that I really like and I think it really suits me.  

I actually wanted to write down 6 facts about me today, but then I started talking about the outfit and it’s midnight already so I’ll leave that for next post or next week.



With Love,

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By Anita Puksic

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. anita@anitapuksic.com


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