Na teh fotkah izgledam skoraj kot kakšen fant, hah. Čisto moderna sem! Androgeni izgled, saj veste 😀 Uspelo mi je prit v tretji krog pri Bloggers Wardrobe, yeeeha! Hvala vam folk! Zaslužite si romantično ljubezen, izvrsten seks, veliko denarja, dobre zabave in čudovita prijateljstva! Dobre želje za vse vas pošiljam v Vesolje, tako da bodite odprti, da vam bo Vesolje lahko vse to dostavilo! Resno, zelo sem hvaležna! Se spomnite tega posta? Napisala sem ga, ker sem tako čutila. Počutila sem se, kot da moram biti iskrena z vami. In ponovno je tukaj dokaz, da je iskrenost najboljša taktika 😀 To mi je všeč. Torej, sedaj je v igri dvajset blogov, ki so dobili največ glasov, v ponedeljek pa bo oznanjeno, katerih deset bo postalo del Bloggers Wardrobe. Želim si, da bi lahko vsi, vključno z mojim (logično) prišli not, ker sem vsakega pogledala in res so vsi dobri. Sama se ne bi mogla odločit katerih deset je najboljših. O, fant! Danes sem mislila napisat drugi del od Kreativ blogger award, ampak sem preveč utrujena. Na enih čevljih, ki vam jih bom jutri (verjetno) pokazala sem delala cel dan in sem bila skozi polna energije, a zdaj bi pa šla samo še spat… Dobro, punce in fantje, imejte super vikend in bodite srečni! * * * I almost look like a boy on these pics, hah. I am so in fashion! Androgynous look, you know 😀 I’ve made it to the 3rd round of the Bloggers Wardrobe, yeeeeha! Thank you people! Because of that you deserve romantic love, amazing sex, lots of money, good parties and great friendships! I am sending good wishes for you all up to the Universe, so be open and the Universe will bring all that into your life! Really, I am so grateful! Remember that post? I wrote it because I felt like I have to. I felt like I have to be honest with you. And once again, there is a proof, that honesty is the best policy 😀 Love that. So, there are twenty blogs that got the most votes now and on Monday will be anounced which ten will become part of Bloggers Wardrobe. I wish all of them, including mine (of course) could be, because I checked them and each one is great, really. I couldn’t choose which ten are the best. Oh, boy! I meant to write the second part of the Kreativ blogger award today, but I am too tired. I worked on those shoes that I’ll show you tomorrow (probably) almost whole day and I was full of energy all the time, but now I just wanna go to sleep… Okay, girls and boys, have an amazing weekend and be happy!
Congratulations for being in the Bloggers Wardrobe finals!
Čestitam! Upam, da ti uspe 🙂
Čestitaaaaam 🙂
Thank you, Vani! (:
Eriu in Sparkle, hvala vama! (:
Bravooooo!! 🙂
Congratulations!!!!! 😀