You don’t need to be a shopping addict…

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Ni ti treba bit zasvojen(a) z nakupovanjem, da lahko vzdržuješ blog o svojem stilu. Tele hlače sem kupila pred kakšnim mescem in pol. Ko sem jih novembra prvič zagledala v Zari, sem se zaljubila na prvi pogled. Kako neumno se to sliši? 😀 Stale so 30€. Ampak s tem denarjem lahko plačam položnico za internet in hišni telefon. Ko so se januarja začele razprodaje, sem šla v Zaro pogledat, če so jih že znižali na 10€ (odločila sem se, da jih raje nimam, kot da plačam več). Niso, 20€ so stale. Spet sem šla pogledat čez kakšen teden… tam so bile.. 9.99€, jupi! Pogosto jih imam oblečene, zelo mi je namreč všeč, kako jih čutim na koži (tak fajn je, da je topleje in ni treba nosit hlačnih nogavic pod hlačami). Nekje v začetku februarja sem si kupila tudi pajkice s flikami na kolenih. Preden sem kupila to dvoje, si nisem privoščila ničesar za obleči že od avgustovskih razprodaj. Kaj je moj trik? Vintage oblačila in oblačila iz druge roke, ki jih najdem v naši in v hiši od babice. In DIY, ki pa ga trenutno zanemarjam. dsc01435_thumb-9272997 You don’t need to be a shopping addict, to have a style blog. I bought these pants about a month and half ago. When I first saw them in Zara, in November, it was a love at the first sight. How stupid that sounds? 😀 And they cost 30€. But with 30€ I can pay a bill for the internet connection and phone. When sales started in January, I went in Zara to check if they already cost 10€ (I decided I rather don’t have them then pay more). They didn’t, 20€ was the price. I went again after a week or so… there they were.. 9.99€, yeah! I wear them a lot, I really like how I feel them on my skin (it’s so fine that is warmer and there’s no need for tights undearneath pants). Also, somewhere in the start of February I bought those leggings (jeggings, hah) with patches. Before I bought these pants and leggings I didn’t buy myself nothing to wear since sales in August. What’s my trick? Vintage and secondhand I find in our and grandma’s house. And DIY but I neglect it at the time. dsc01427_thumb-9493300dsc01430_thumb-1281373dsc01437_thumb-1629990(Vintage jopa in majica; Zara hlače; Tally Weijl rjava majica; H&M torbica in čevlji) (Vintage cardigan and top; Zara pants; Tally Weijl brown shirt; H&M bag and shoes) dsc01439_thumb5b15d-5741173    dsc01441_thumb5b15d-3075514 PS: Za vse ki še ne veste: dobili smo slovenski blog o ulični modi! Juhu! (: PS: In Slovenia we finally got a streetstyle blog, yeeha!

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. ja ja poznam ta filing, it feels great! kot da bi dobil 10ko pri kakšnem predmetu haha xD
    Jaz pa morm kar priznat da seveda odvisno od finančnega stanja, kar kuoujem stvari redno… se pa zgodi tudi meni da več mesecev ne kupim nič ker mi je enostavno vse zelo drago.
    Zadnjič edino sem kupila eno srajco v zari za 50eur kar je veliko denarja, ampak vem da sedaj en čas ne bom kupila nobene več in res mi je bila všeč.
    Moram pa se pohvalit da sem ene 3 tedne nazaj dobila kratke hlače za 2,95eur kar je res dosežek! 😀

  2. Hehe, se strinjam! 🙂 Sej jst priznam, da če bi mela nek redni dohodek bi verjetno večkrat šla po trgovinah, ampak mi je pa vedno tako fajn, ko najdeš doma en kup stvari, ki jih malo predelaš in maš z nič denarja in malo truda toooooliko lepih oblačil, pa še več so vredne ravno zato, ker jih sam narediš! 😀

  3. Hi Beba!
    That pants is such a great buy and patience is virtue indeed! 😀
    I like how you said with such amount of money, you could pay your bills cos I always think that way too :))

    Take care <3<3<3

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