“What we play is life.” -Louis Armstrong

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lsfbyanita252520176_thumb-3707133 lsfbyanita252520195_thumb-3618537 Pozdravljeni! Nisem bila kaj resno v bloganju ali v čemer drugem preteklih par tednov, ker sem imela zdravstvene probleme, ampak mi hvala Bogu gre na boljše. Zgleda, da bi bilo dobro narediti par sprememb v mojem svetu, kot npr. manj skrbet kako bom prišla skozi mesec, saj sem do zdaj živa prišla skozi. S plačanimi računi ali ne. Nekdo je rekel, kako tvegamo svoje zdravje, da pridemo do denarja, potem pa zapravljamo ta denar, da si povrnemo zdravje. Jap, tako neumni smo. Vsaj jaz sem. No, zgleda da je čas, da neham s tem in izkažem sama sebi več ljubezni. Čeprav rabim okrog 230€ za položnice v čim krajšem času. Pa še avto mi ne dela. Ampak sem se odločila, da prepustim Bogu/Vesolju/Čemurkoli, da poskrbi za to, ker če sama preveč razmišljam o tem, postanem čisto tesnobna in to mi sploh ne pomaga, ker mi ne uspe narediti nič koristnega v takšnem umskem/telesnem stanju. Hello guys! I haven’t been really into blogging or anything else for the past few weeks as I had some health issues but I’m thankfully getting better. Seems like I have to make some changes in my world, like not worry so much how I’m gonna get through the month, as I always come through it alive. With bills paid or not. Someone said how we risk our health for the money and then we spend our money to get health back. Yes, we’re that stupid, at least I am. But I guess it’s a time that I stop doing this and show myself some more love. Even though I need about 230€ for the bills asap. And even my car doesn’t work. But I decided to let God/Universe/Whatewa take care of this, because if I think about it I get anxious and that doesn’t help me nothing at all, as I can’t do a useful thing in that state of mind/body. lsfbyanita252520189_thumb-2181517 lsfbyanita252520191_thumb-3974735 Okay, včeraj sem ponovno začela s slikanjem na nakupovalne vrečke. Zvečer, ker sem cel dan odlašala. A zdaj komaj čakam, da se spravim delat. Poskušam neke nove načine slikanja, pravzaprav stare, a zame nove, in sem prav vznemirjena. Okay, I started painting on the shopping bags yesterday day again. In the evening, because I had been procrastinating whole day, but now I just can’t wait to get back to it. I’m trying some new painting techniques, actually old, but new for me and I am excited about it!  lsfbyanita252520182_thumb-3816883 lsfbyanita252520194_thumb25255b225255d-8162946 Glede tega zabavnega stylish barvitega outfita.. Od prejšnjega tedna je od Valentinovega, ko sva šla s fantom na kosilo <3 About this fun stylish colourful outfit. It’s from Valentine’s day one week ago, I wore it to the lunch with my boyfriend <3 lsfbyanita252520186_thumb-3543612

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. Poznam to.. jaz celo paniko zganjam pred izpiti nato pa se vsakega uspesno opravim! Res bi se morali cim manj obremenjevati s takimi stvarmi, konec koncev kaj pa mi bo sola ce hudo zbolim :S Uglavnem back to outfit 🙂 Zelo so mi vsec barve in masnica na glavi 🙂 Skorenjcki so super!

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