(Pull&Bear oblekca; H&M majica in torbica; Ali Star čevlji) (Pull&Bear dress; H&M top and bag; Ali Star shoes)
Tag: Outfits
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” –Mother Teresa
Zdravo zdravo! Ziher sem, da ste se že naveličali te torbice, saj jo skoraj vedno nosim, ampak je najbolj praktična…
“Envy is thin because it bites but never eats.” -Spanish Proverb
Pozdravljeni dragi ljudje! Trenutno se počutim tako malo zanič. Zjutraj sem nameravala napisat post, a sem prvo odprla google reader…
“You find God the moment you realize that you don't need to seek God.”–Eckhart Tolle
Pozdrav! Moje življenje je trenutno tako zanimivo! Pretiravam, haha. V enem tednu sem trikrat sanjala, da sem v hotelu. Kaj…
“If god is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining.” –unknown author
(Pull&Bear oblekca; H&M torbica in čevlji; vintage pas; zapestnici sta darilo prijateljice) (Pull&Bear dress; H&M bag and shoes; vintage belt;…
“Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.”
(Vintage krilo in majica; Takko roža; H&M torba; Pull&Bear čevlji) (Vintage skirt and top; Takko flower; H&M bag; Pull&Bear shoes)
“What we see depends mainly on what we look for.” -John Lubbock
Bluza, ki jo imam na sliki je nekoč bila v lasti moje mame in je imela dolge rokave. Že davno…
“No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap.” -Carrie Snow
(Vintage obleka in pas; H&M torbica in čevlji) (Vintage dress and belt; H&M bag and shoes) Tole obleko sem dobila…
“Beauty is not caused. It is.”–Emily Dickinson
Fotografije postanka ob Blaguškem jezeru iz včerajšnjega road tripa z Juretom. Kak so lepi grdi rački! 😀 To je že…
“A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” –Lou Holtz
Sobota | | Saturday: (Vintage obleka; Pull&Bear čevlji) (Vintage dress; Pull&Bear shoes)