“Envy is thin because it bites but never eats.” -Spanish Proverb

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Pozdravljeni dragi ljudje! Trenutno se počutim tako malo zanič. Zjutraj sem nameravala napisat post, a sem prvo odprla google reader in za par ur totalno padla v gledanje in branje blogov. In v primerjanje mojega bloga z drugimi. In v negativne občutke. Veš, ko gledaš bloge in si zavistna, zato ker sama nimaš dslr fotoaparata, zato ker imajo druge punce toliko reklam na svojih blogih in lahko dejansko služijo z njim, zato ker znajo njihovi fantje bolje fotografirat kot tvoj ali pa so te punce bolj fotogenične…Grrr, bitches! Imate kdaj takšne občutke? Zdaj se malo bolje počutim, ker sem pokazala svoje sence dnevni luči 😀 * * * Hello my dear people. I feel crappy at the moment. I wanted to write a post in the morning, but I checked my subscriptions in google reader and fell in totally and spent few hours just watching and reading blogs. Duh. And comparing my blog to others. And feeling a bit down. You know, checking blogs and being envious because you don’t have a dslr camera, because other girls have so many adds on their blogs and they can actually make money with it, because their boyfriends are taking better pictures than yours or these girls have much more modelling skills… Grrr bitches!  Do you ever feel like this? I feel a bit better now, because I showed some my shadows to the daily light 😀 dsc03849_thumb-5685697(Vintage krilo in majica; pulover sem dobila od babice, možno da je vintage, H&M torbica in hlačne nogavice; Graceland čevlji) (Vintage skirt and shirt; I got jumper from grandma, it might be vintage; H&M bag and tights; Graceland shoes) dsc03848_thumb-6512168 Tale outfit je od četrtka. Z Juretom sva šla na Lent, na koncert Asian Dub Foundation. Super je bilo. Družila sva se s prijatelji. In jaz sem umirala od smeha, haha! * * * That outfit is from Thursday. I and Jure went to the Lent festival to the concert of Asian Dub Foundation. They were great. And we were hanging out with friends. And I was dying from laughter, haha!

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. O ja, tud jst mam podobne občutke tvojim!Prsežm..ampak me nekak motivirajo da bom tud jst mela enkrat uspešn blog + veliko veliiiiko cunc :))

  2. Kaj te je pa zdaj obsedlo? 🙂
    Ja, veš, blog je postal tudi osebni biznis in za nekatere nič več prostor osebnega izražanja ampak tržna niša in eno in isto nalaganje outfitov in nepotrebnih besed. Mislim, da se takoj ve pri blogu kdaj preide to mejo. Vedno bodo nekateri, ki imajo denar z malo truda bolje prišli čez. Pa bodo res? V komercialnem smislu ja, kaj več pa ne.
    Jaz se na tvojem mestu s tem pa res ne bi obremenjevala. Vedno komaj čakam na nov post in to bolj kot od kakšne Cherry blossom girl ali pa Fashion toast. Tvoj blog ima dušo, ki mogoče z dslr fotoaparatom ne bi prišla tako do izraza?!
    Je pa tudi res, da si človek zaželi spremembe. Še rasteš, se razvijaš in tvoj blog s tabo 🙂

  3. eeeeh, ne obremenjuj se z drugimi blogi 🙂 važno da ti je tvoj všeč kakršn je…primerjave se mi zdijo nesmiselne, ker so vsi blogi drugačni in vsaka blogerka sporoča druge stvari, ima drugačen stil oblačenja itd. 🙂 fotke maš pa tudi vedno lepe <3

  4. Hello!

    We all have days like that, but I wanted to say that you don't need to feel bad about how many subscribers you have etc. etc. The important thing is that you are reaching people all over the world – I'm from Australia!

    I love the way you dress, and that you write in both English and Slovenian!

  5. Sm že enkrat komentirala da se tud jst počutm velikrat tako kot si se ti..ampak vrjamm da bo nekoč tud nm ratalo, ampak ni objavilo tko da upam da mi tokrat rata in da veš da nisi edina s tem občutkom 😉

  6. EVA.: Ej, si me prav potolažla, da nisem edina, ko se tak počutim! Hvala.
    Nisem objavila takoj komentarjev, ker sem čakala, da bom mela čas, da odgovorim (:

    Barbara: Zlobni duh kapitalizma me je obsedel ;))
    To da komaj čakaš na nov post je pravi balzam za mojo dušo, hvala (:
    Dober dslr fotoaparat pa si želim iz večih razlogov (npr. da bi lahko ujela lepoto noči), ne samo zaradi bloga, hehe.

    .sparkle*: Saj se ne skoz obremenjujem, samo občasno me primejo taki občutki. Ego in njegove primerjave 😉
    Pa hvala <3

    Anonymous: Thank you for your comment, it made my heart warm.
    I write in Slovenian, because most of my readers are from my country and in English for those few foreign readers who actually takes time to read (I'm glad you one of those:) and because I'm improving my English knowledge this way, at least I hope so 😀
    You are the first person that commented about it, thanks! <3

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