Some secondhand and vintage clothes and funny lips thing

Published Categorised as Outfits

Hellow my lovely people! (: How are you? I hope you are creating, I hope beautiful things in your heads are being transformed into palpable articles. If not, start work something! This is definitely  for me too 😀


Look at this pullover! Isn’t it wonderful? I put it on at home on Monday and I found out that is too nice to wear it at home only. So I wore it to school the next day.


(Vintage shirt; Tally Weijl; Passiontex jeans)

I think this shirt was my father’s once but I’m not sure. It’s so good that you can wear too large shirt with belt and it looks so lovely chic.

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(H&M hat; secondhand coat and pepita tights; no name scarf; in bow tied belt from some coat; Ali Star shoes)

I don’t know how this blouse came into our house, the skirt was mother’s once, I got coat from Jure’s  sister and neightbour gave me this pepita tights. That’s so good, isn’t it?

I was at one birthday at Friday and there was this girl called Petra and she showed me this thing that she found out she can do:


What this thing with lips reminds you of? 😀

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Vedno, ko gledam tvoje kombinacije oblačil si mislim, kako hudiča ti uspe (meni) tako čudne in raznolike kose sestaviti v kul celoto … Res ti uspe, čeprav sama nimam niti približno takega stila pa tudi ti kosi mi posamično niso tako všeč, na tebi pa delujejo super in povsem izražajo tebe kot osebo – se mi zdi. vse pohvale 🙂

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