Pozdravljeni! Včeraj zjutraj sva z Juretom imela fotografiranje mojih ‘totic’ za 3 Ptice na Etsyju in za 3ptice.com. Ugotovila sem namreč, da dobijo tiste vrečke, na slikah katerih se vidi, kako jih nosim, več ogledov. In moram priznati, da ko pogledam te fotke spodaj, me ima, da bi kar vse ‘totice’ obdržala za sebe, saj dejansko izgledajo tako dosti bolj kul, kot samo na belem ozadju. Res upam, da bo s pomočjo teh fotk prodaja kaj narasla!
Kaj imam oblečeno? Vintage kratke hlače, ki jih je nekoč nosila mama; verjetno vintage bluzico, ki sem jo dobila na izmenjavi oblačil – pritegnila me je zaradi miksa lepote in ogabnosti, hvala Bogu, da sem si jo probala, ker mi je zdaj čisto všeč; H&M hlačne nogavice, ki jih nosim že leta in imajo temu primerno tudi nekaj luknjic (če bere to kdo iz kakšne firme, ki prodaja hlačne nogavice in bi bil pripravljen poslati par parov neslavni blogerki, ki jih bo dejansko nosila nekaj let in ne samo za eno objavo, naj me obvesti ;)); Deichmann čevlji; sončna očala so mi prijazno poslali od O3, in naj povem, da so mi super všeč, svet izgleda čudovito skozi rumena stekla!
Oh, skoraj bi pozabila! Sem ste prišli, da vidite, kdo je zmagovalec moje nagradne igre, a?
Srečna izžrebanka je Elena R., ki piše blog Endless Summer. Čestitke!
Hi, fellas! Yesterday in the morning I and boyfriend did a little photoshooting of 3 Ptice totes for my Etsy shop. I figured out that get listings of totes on which is seen how do I wear them more views on Etsy. And I have to admit, that when I see those pictures bellow I feel like keeping all those bags, because they actually look way more cool this way than just on the white background. I really hope those pics will convert in some sales!
What am I wearing? Vintage shorts that my mum wore years ago; probably vintage blouse, which I got at a swap, I was attracted to it, because it looked beautiful and someow ugly at the same time, thanks God I tried it on, because I love it now; H&M tights which I wear for years and have few wholes (if there’s any company who sells tights out there and would like to send few pairs to non famous blogger who will wear them for years, not just for one post, then let me know! ;)); Deichmann shoes; sunglasses were kindly sent to me by O3 and I love them, world looks gorgeous through the yellow shades!
Oh, I almost forgot! You came here to see who is the winner of my giveaway, right?
The lucky winner is Elena R. from Endless Summer. Congrats!
Waaau res so hude 🙂
Hvala! (:
I love your flower crown ^_^ And thank you for the prize ^_^
pretty bags 😉
Thanks! (:
pretty bags 😉
pretty bags 😉
pretty bags 😉
Lucky Elena! 🙂
You don't how glad I am that you're wearing those tights with a hole. It gives something special to the outfit, some special "i don't care" moment. I love to put that moment while choosing outfit, but people around me want to fix me and that's just annoying. Not all ladies are moving dolls who're screaming when they notice there is a spot on their blouse. That's why I think that black sheep tote would suit me just fine! 😀
Awww, that's such a great comment, thank you so much! <3
And, yeah, happy black sheep would be perfect for you!
I left comment here and now it disappeared. It was sooo long. I hope it's waiting for your approval. 🙁
I'm not that much on the internet during the weekends, so it may happen again, but there's nothing to worry about, I always post comments (:
Yeeeeey, it is! 😀
Ful fajn fotke sta nrdila! Pa ti si itak tak sonček, kr dobre volje ratam ko te gledam :). Torbe so pa itak top, jaz mojo skoz nosim <3 :).
Oo, hvala! Enako! <3
Super! Bi bla ful hvaležna, če mi pošlješ kakšno fotko, ko jo maš gor, da objavim na blogu in fb! (:
Bom, obljubim! Naslednjič ko si jo oprtam in bo fotkič pri roki :). Sure thing! 🙂
ooo super si ti in vse tvoje kreacije!!
Hvala, Neja! <3