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dsc00344_thumb-7155478 Tole je slika Jureta, ki sem mu jo naredila kot drugi (in glavni) del darila zanj. Slikala sem z akrilnimi barvami in moram povedat, da sem prvič slikala z akrili, tako da sem kar zadovoljna z rezultatom in sem prepričana, da bom postajala vedno boljša. In boljša (: Tole je taboljša fotka tele slike, ampak definitivno v živo zgleda bolje. *** + Rada bi z vami delila povezavo do zelo dobro in iskreno napisanega posta od Alyse. Govori o modnem bloganju in je obvezno branje za vse, ki rade preberete še kaj drugega kot kdo je kaj kupil.   Here is a painting I made of Jure as the second (and main) part of gift for him. I painted it with acrilyc colours and gotta tell you it was the first time that I was painting with acrilycs, so I’m pretty satisfided with result and I’m sure I will keep getting better. And better (: That’s the best photo I took of this painting, but definitely looks better live. *** + I would like to share with you a link to the very well and honestly written post by Alyse. It’s about fashion blogging and is a must read for those who likes to read something else than just what someone bought.

With Love,

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By Anita Puksic

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them.


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