Kaj počnem zadnje čase? Berem dobre knjige in ustvarjam polno kulskih stvari iz ‘smeti’. Zraven tega še ljubim in sovražim sebe in počnem enako z ljudmi in svetom. Oh, to potovanje! Fantu niso všeč te hlače. Sem mu povedala, da se ne rabiva vedno strinjat okrog tega, kaj je lepo ;D * * * What I’m up to lately? Reading good books and creating lots of cool stuff from ‘garbage’. Besides that I love and I hate myself and do the same with people and the world. Oh, this journey! Boyfriend doesn’t like those pants. I told him that we don’t need to always agree on what’s beautiful ;D
(DIY hlače; vintage majica; Deichmann shoes) (DIY pants; vintage tee; Deichmann shoes)
p.s. I'm having a jewelry giveaway if you'd like to check it out. 🙂
devorelebeaumonstre.com xx
Cute look! Your pants are too fun!
Thank you!
Hehe meni so pa prav lustne hlace!! Vesela kombinacija 😀
A ne da? Hvala!
Hey, I love your look!
I start my blog so if you could throw a look that would be great thank you very much and maybe me follow, your photos are very beautiful!
Hahaha, lepo si mu to povedala 😀
I love this pants!! 🙂
Hehe, hvala! 😀