Vsi tam zunaj, a ste vredu? Jaz danes definitivno sem! Upam, da bo trajalo, yeah! Sedaj vam bom pokazala, kako sem preživela soboto. Popoln dan je bil! S fantom sva šla v Maribor pozdravit Nino, dekle za Vintage Vikendom in blogom Kitchy world in Bitchy words. Cela je lepotica, pravtako kot Vintage Vikend PR dekle Tjaša! Kar poglejte ju!
Everybody over there, are you feelin alright? I definetely do today! I hope it’s gonna last, yeah! Today I’ll show you how I spent my Saturday. It was a perfect day! I and boyfriend went to Maribor to say hi to Nina, the girl behind Vintage Vikend and blog Kitchy world in Bitchy words. She’s a total beauty and so is Vintage Vikend PR girl Tjaša! Just look at them!
Potem sva si šla v UGM ogledat razstavo slovenskega sodobnega oblikovanja. Ki je dodala kup čudovitih izdelkov na mojo mentalno listo želja. Jaz nisem najbolj patriotska oseba, a vseeno menim, da je slovensko oblikovanje najboljše na svetu!
Then we went to the UGM to see the exhibition of the contemporary design in Slovenia. Which adds bunch of beautiful things on my mental wishlist. I’m not really patriotic person, but I think slovenian design is probably the best in the world!
Najbolj udobni stoli, ever! Dizajn Nika Kralja, kralja stolov! Ime znamke je Rex, kar pomeni kralj po latinsko. Ste vedeli to? Jaz do malo prej nisem! Zagotovo bom imela vsaj enega od teh stolov v mojem stanovanju v moji svetli prihodnosti! 😀
The most comfortable chairs, ever! Design by Niko Kralj. His last name means king, and he definetely is the king of the chairs! The name of the brand is Rex, which means king in latin. Did you know that? I haven’t, but now I do! I will definetely have at least one of these in my future apartment in my bright future! 😀
Na zgornjih fotkah lahko vidite, kaj sem imela oblečeno in svetlobno inštalacijo Studia Miklavc. Na sebi imam vintage krilo in top ter DIY torbico in sandale.
On the photos above you can see my outfit of that day and Studio Miklavc light installation. I wear vintage skirt and top and DIY tote and sandals.
Po razstavi sem se šla s fantom in dvema njegovima prijatelja hladit v gramoznico. Voda je bila perfektna!
After the exhibition I, boyfriend and two of his friends went to a gravel pit to chill a bit. Water was perfect!
Oblečen sem imela bikini iz druge roke. Dobila sem ga zastonj, in zelo mi je všeč!
In po vsem tem sem šla še na obletnico valete. Popoln dan, sem vam rekla!
I was wearing secondhand bikini. Got it for free and I love it!
And after all that I went to the meeting of classmates from primary school. Perfect day, I told you!
Ne pozabite na nagradno igro na Life.Style.Fun. facebook strani !
beautiful pics.looks like ou had a great time!
For sure we did! (:
se vidi da si imela super dan! xx
Jaa, druženje, lepe stvari in voda, aaah, res super! (:
Prav zares krasen dan! Sandali so mi toook všeč! Pa bikini je tud fajn, ti čist paše. Ostani v pozitivi še naprej in lp!
Heej, Špela! Hvala, me ful veseli, da so ti všeč, sploh ker sem jih sama naredila, iz japonk, hehe.
Tudi ti ostani v pozitivi! <3
In hvala za komentar, zelo! Sem ful vesela, ko si tudi kdo od ne-blogerjev vzame čas za komentiranje (:
luštne fotke, lajkam tvoj pulovrček 😛
Love that you made those sandals yourself! very cool <3
i love your blog ! the photos are incredible!
hope you can check it out mine (:
follow each other?
ii luštno ste se meli 🙂 Pa res dobr DIY sandalov, dobr ti je ratal 🙂
seems like you had a great time 🙂
Great pictures!! I love it!!
Amaazing blog and I really love it.
Very nice photos :))
~~follow each other?
Love your outfits so much!!
You look amazing
Just stopped by your blog!
Loved it instantly so I have no choice but to follow you around!!
Please feel free to check out my blog if you have the time
Nice photos!!!! Great and interesting blog!!!
If you want, check out my blog
the scent of glamour
beautiful shots to remember the perfect Saturday!
JOIN MY GIVEAWAY! (Exclusive for Indonesian-based readers)
Lovely photos! I really like those chairs! Would be great for any apartment! I love your comment on my blog regarding the article I wrote. I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts. Yes, I remembered the Dove commercial and I admire them for featuring women of all sizes looking happy. I disagree with women who wants fashion magazines to change though. I feel that most of the time, it's nobody's fault when you're unhappy. You have to take responsibility for the way you feel about yourself. Thank you again for your comment! 🙂 xoxoxoo
You're welcome! And thank you for your comment! And it's totally true about taking responsibility!
oh pa sem končno uspela nadoknadit in pogledat vse poste za nazaj! vidim da uživaš na polno in sem vesela da bom spet v koraku z novimi posti*
O, kak lepo! Hvala ti! <3