Money, EFT, God and Nature..

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dsc09532_thumb-6209304 dsc09549_thumb-3205507dsc09542_thumb-7959847   (H&M obleka, šal in torbica; Tally Weijl majica in pas; Pasiontex jeans; Ali Star čevlji) (H&M dress, scarf and bag; Tally Weijl shirt and belt; Passiontex jeans; Ali Star shoes) Tole sem imela oblečeno v sredo, ki je bila prav poseben dan. Zjutraj sem bila zaskrbljena glede denarja, zato sem malo EFTala (vem, da se vam nekaterim zdi EFT neumen, ampak zame deluje) glede tega, kako sem zaskrbljena in prepustila Bogu (ali Vesolju, sami poimenujte) naj poskrbi za to. In nato sem šla dalje delat denarnico. In kaj se je zgodilo! Pred nekaj tedni sem nesla nekaj knjig v trgovino s starimi knjigami. Ni bilo lastnika in prodajalka je povedala, da če ne pride tisti teden, bo prišel komaj decembra. A me je v sredo poklical, da lahko pridem po denar. 10€. In ko sem prišla mi je prodajalka povedala, da je prišel za zelo kratek čas in pregledal samo knjige, ki sem jih jaz prinesla tja. Noro. In ko sem prišla domov, sem šla v hišo od babice in dedka in tam je bil pijani sosed, od katerega ne bi nikoli pričakovala denarja, in mi dal 10€. Bog je car! 😀 I wore this last Wednesday, which was very special day. In the morning was I worried about money so I did a little EFT (I know some of you find it stupid, but it does work for me) about how worried I am and letting God (or Universe, you name it) to take care of this. And then I went working on my wallet. And what happened! Few weeks ago I brought some books into a shop with old books. There were no owner and a shop assistant said, if he doesn’t come that week, he’ll come in December. But last Wednesday he called me, that I can come take money. 10€. And when I came, the shop assistant told me, that he came for a very short time and checked only books which I brought there. Amazing. And when I got home and came in grandma and grandfather’s house, there was a drunk neighbour, from whom I would never expect money, and gave me 10€. God is awesome! 😀 Hope you understand my English and please do let me know about mistakes. dsc09551_thumb-8331850 dsc09554_thumb-8637373 dsc09562_thumb-2249135

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. To je tapkanje po akupresurnih točkah, kjer vmes govoriš razne stavke.
    In lahko sprobaš zadevo na vsaki težavi, ki se ti pojavi.

    Vtipkaj v google EFT in boš našla ogromno informacij. Jaz sem se z njim spoznalo preko revije Viva, kjer je terapevtka Sabina Šilc (lahko tudi njo poguglaš, so na njeni strani tudi vsi članki, ki jih je imela v Vivi) začela predstavljat zadevo pred par leti.
    In če v youtubu vpišeš EFT najdeš ogromno tutorialov in posnetkov glede različnih tem od zdravja, denarja, odpuščanja, sproščanja občutkov krivde in sodb in še in še. In lahko medtem ko gledaš posnetke kar tapkaš zraven.

    Meni je res super (:

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