“A man has to live with himself, and he should see to it that he always has good company.” –Charles Evans Hughes

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Pozdravljeni ljudje moji! Upam, da ste dobro in da vidite in čutite lepoto, ki je vse okrog vas. In v vas. Vidite mojo kimono zadevščino? Jure mi je kupil tole na raprodajah. Za 5 evričev! Hvala ti, ljubezen! Hello my people! I hope you’re all well and that you see and feel the beauty that is all around you. And in you. See my kimono thing? Jure bought it to me on sales. It was 5€! Thank you, love! life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520206_thumb-6215389 Precej dobro mi gre s svojo novoletno zaobljubo. Ne, nisem nehala kadit, to je prelahko. Saj poznate citat Marka Twaina: ‘Nehati kaditi je enostavno. Jaz sem to storil že stokrat’. Itak se lahko tolažim glede te razvade, češ da je tako evropska in chic, bla bla bla. I’m doing pretty good with my new year’s resolution. No, I didn’t decide to quit smoking, that’s too easy. You know Mark Twain’s quote ‘It`s easy to quit smoking. I`ve done it hundreds of times.’ I can comfort myself around that habit with thinking, that smoking is so european and chic, bla bla bla. life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520207_thumb-6622755 Torej, kaj je bila moja zaobljuba? Da bi bila v trenutku in odprta za njegovo darilo tako pogosto kot le mogoče. Postajam boljša v tem in ljubim to. Pravzaprav se vse vrti okrog ljubezni (: Okay, what’ was my resolution? To be in the moment and get it’s present as often as possible. I’m getting better at it and I love that. Actually, there is all about the love (: life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520211_thumb-3592542 Danes sem si vzela čas za dolg sprehod z Mufijem. Bilo je čudovito. Ni to nekaj neverjetnega, kakšen dober slikar je narava? Noro magični realizem! Na hribu sem gledala sončni zahod in bila zelo srečna, da lahko vidim vso to lepoto! Hvala oči in možgani in celotno telo! I took myself time for a long walk with Mufi today. It was wonderful. Isn’t it amazing, what a great painter nature is? Freakin magical realism! I watched the sunset on a hill and I was really happy, that I can see all that beauty! Thank you eyes and brains and whole body! life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520212_thumb-9922995 Ko sem se vračala proti domu, sem srečala gospoda z belo palico. Oblečeno je imel puhovko in nahrbtnik. Začela sva se pogovarjati in vprašala sem ga, koliko je star. Rekel mi je, da ni star. Zato sem ga vprašala, koliko je mlad 😀 In povedal mi je, da je 23 do 100. Rekel je, da se tako boljše sliši 😀 Povedala sem, da zgleda mladostno in vitalno. ‘To je zato, ker hodim!’ je odvrnil. When I was walking back to home I met an old man with a white cane. He wore a down jacket and a backpack. We started to talk and I asked him how old is he. He told me his not old. So I asked him how young is he 😀 And he told me he’s 23 till 100. He said it sounds better 😀 I told him he seemed so youthful and vitale. ‘That’s because I walk!’ he said. life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520217_thumb-1386282 Pogovarjala sva se kakšnih deset minut. O življenju, smrti, mladih in starih ljudeh in takšne stvari. Zelo je bilo navdihujoče. Popolnoma mi je ogrel srce. Že rodil se je s slabim vidom, a zadnjih 15 let ne vidi čisto nič na desno oko in le kakšen 1% na levo. Vprašala sem ga, kako je vedel, da sva se že prej srečala. Povedal mi je, da si je zapomnil moj glas in psa. Vau! In sploh nisva nikoli prej govorila, samo pozdravila sva se! We were talking for about 10 minutes. About life, death, young and old people and stuff. It was really inspiring. He totally warmed my heart. He was born with bad eyesight, but last 15 years he doesn’t see nothing on the right eye and he sees about 1% on the left one. I asked him how he knew, that we met before. He said that he remembered my voice and my dog. Wow, and we didn’t really spoke before, we just said hello! life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520213_thumb-6539834 Njegova hčerka in moj oče sta bila sošolca. Sedaj že nekaj let oba valujeta na drugačnih frekvencah. Rekel je, da ti nič ni prihranjeno, če dolgo živiš. Greš celo na pogrebe ljudi, ki bi morali priti na tvojega. Ampak tako pač je. Malo sva pokomentirala usodo in oba sva se strinjala, da obstaja in da smo sami stvarniki. Oboje je. Kot ponavadi, ko ne veš ali je nekaj črno ali belo. Sivo je.   His daugther and my father were classmates. Both waving on the diference frequencies for some years now. He said that nothing is spared to you if you live long. You even go to the funeral of people that should come to yours. But that’s just the way it is. We disscused destiny a bit and we both agreed that there’s destiny and that we are the creators. It’s both. Like usually, when you don’t know if it’s black or it is white. It’s gray. life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520219_thumb-6264262 Preden sva šla vsak svojo pot sem se mu zahvalila, da je delil svojo modrost z menoj. Vesel je bil, da sem ga poslušala. Stari ljudje so takšen zaklad. Včasih bi jih kar vse objela. Before he went his way and I mine, I thanked him for sharing his wisdom with me. He was happy that I was listening. Old people are such treasures. Sometimes I just want to hug them all.

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. krasne fotke in leeeeep kimono! <3
    s tvojo zgodbo pa si mi povzročila plaz kurje polti in dooolg razmislek..o vsem..nasplošno… res rada berem tvoje stvari. vedno se vrnem nazaj k sebi in razmišljam… =)

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