(H&M majica in torbica; Pull&Bear pas; krilo in ruta secondhand; Ali Star čevlji) (H&M tee and bag; Pull&Bear belt; secondhand skirt and scarf; Ali Star čevlji) Tole ruto na torbici in krilo sem dobila od babice. Krilo mi je resnično všeč, tako lahkotno je in ni vroče v njem. Tale oblačila sem imela na sebi v nedeljo, ko sva šla z Juretom na majhen izletek. Uživajte vikend! I got that scarf on my bag and that skirt from my grandma. I really love the skirt, it’s so fluffy and it’s not hot in it. I wore these clothes on Sunday when I and Jure had a little trip. Have a nice weekend!
Nam zaupaš, kje je to, ker je zelo lepo? 🙂
Midva s fantom imava fetiš na jezera haha.
love the skirt.
really like that you paired it with sneakers!
Nihljaj tole jezero oz. malo večji ribnik je, v smeri proti Gruškovju, ko se konča avtocesta, se pelješ nekaj časa samo ravno in potem zaviješ proti Gorci, pol pa si tak že tam. Pod Podlehnik spada tale Gorca.
Aja, tu pa sem potem očitno že bila 🙂 Tako na desno ostro zaviješ, če greš proti hrvaški meji po stari (in edini haha)cesti, kajne? 🙂
Jap jap (:
huda kikla, tud kot oblekca bi pomoje dobr izpadla.
So cute!
Ahah you're so sweet. Love this
love the photos!
care to follow me back?
cute look, very lovely!
visit, comment or follow my blog if you like it!
love the side detail on the top!
Great pictures, love the skirt.:)SarahD
lovely outfit
i especially love your skirt
also the third picture is stunning!
thanks for the lovely comment on my blog 🙂
nice outfit!!! You look beuatiful!
Vidva pa znata najti luštne kotičke:D! Super luštkan outfit!!