Živimo v multidimenzionalnem filmu (3D, skrij se ;)) in vse vključno z nami je umetnost. Ste si kdaj želeli skočiti v kakšno sliko in raziskati naslikan svet? Poskusite pogledati na svoje okolje kot na umetniško delo, po katerem lahko hodite. Vsem mojim bralcem pošiljam mir in ljubezen! (: * * * We are living in the multidimensional movie (3D go hide yourself ;)) and everything including us is the art. Have you ever wished to jump into some painting and discover the painted world? Try to look at the your surroundings like a work of art that you can walk in. I’m sending peace and love to all my readers! (:
P.S.: Danes sem na etsyju naredila zakladnico z lepimi stvarmi in navdihujočimi citati. Poglejte jo! P.S.: I’ve made a treasury list with beautiful pieces and inspiring quotes on etsy today. Have a look!
Great outfit! And you are wearing your shoes! yay! I love those shoes. 😀
Thank you Garden Girl! You're so kind <3
Spet si awesome, like always!