“If you don’t ask because you might be refused, you’ve already refused yourself.” -Nisandeh Neta
By Anita Pukšič Koren
Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com
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simpatično pisano 😉
Hvala, sparkle (:
pentlja + modre nogavice = pure awesomness!
Hvala, Eva :*
Haha, quote, moj večni problem. 😀
Komentarju od sparkle pridružujem še "igrivo" in "fantastično". Zelo si lepa v oblekcah. 🙂
Kako si se pa odločla glede trajne? 😀
Heh, mamo več ali manj skoraj vsi probleme s tem. Moram si ta citat nekam napisat in ga dat na vidno mesto, da mi bo prešel v podzavest (:
Oo, fantastično, kak se to dobro čuje, hvala ti!
Trajno pa bom mela, ko bo dovolj keša, da si bom lahko privoščila luksuz imenovan frizerski salon 😀 Ali pa mi jo bo Jure plačal kot božično darilo 😉
zelo luškana :))
Hvala (:
s kje so žabe? barva zmaga! quote je pa itak one to remember, jst si ga bom kr prepisala v svoj blokić =)
joj, zdej ga mam pa v blokcu takoj zraven tegale:
"Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax. If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it." Osho
hmmm … kdo ma zdej prav? 😀
Iz H&M-a so, par let stare.
Drugač pa mata oba prav, po moje 😀 Kero hecno naključje, ki to ni 😀
Samo res nogavice zmagajo ne,..
Prav bi si nabavu ene take. :>
Superbe ta robe!!!
J aime!!!
Angela Donava
I love how you always have fun with fashion and are never afraid of colour Beba 🙂 You're a wonderful lady!
like! (: